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Guys if you wanna follow me on insta I have like four, I have one for Benson and Ryan (Bxns0n_Stalvey), I have one for Jack, Kale, and side Trent a bit (Jales.pizza), then I have one for Danny (Tumblr.Danbear), I also have a mixed account for all and what I consider my "main"
(Literally._.Jaegan), I have a personal too (Its_Trans_Lucas) so ya.

Follow them if you want, or already do, I don't know. Also follow me on here, for gay, fun, LGBTQ+ books, because yeah, just do it. Bye, have a good day/night/morning/afternoon/evening.

Justin's pov.

When I woke in the morning, I was alone. Which was weird because I remember falling asleep in Raegan's arms. I shrugged it off and got up to get ready for school. It was Tuesday. We started study for our finals today, which was big. I decided to take a nice warm shower. So I grabbed a towel and made my way to the bathroom. I stripped of my pyjamas and turned on the shower, to a nice warm temperature. I looked in the mirror, I was new at this whole 'self acceptance' thing. So when I looked in the mirror I still saw, someone who wasn't me. I sighed and got in the shower. Relaxing all my muscles, as I wash my hair and body.

When I got out my fingers look like prunes and I laughed. I wrapped myself in my fuzzy towel and trotted my way to my room. I cursed when I noticed I dripped a freaking River, down the hallway. Oh well, I'll clean it up later. Once in my room, I tiredly dried myself off, then got my outfit out for the day. Something comfy, but still nice. Maybe some adidas joggers, a black Nike shirt, and a sweater? Sure why not? I agreed with my mind and got out my adidas joggers and Nike shirt, and just a simple sweater. I threw that on and quickly fixed my hair before heading down stairs.

"Oh hey Damon, what are you doing up?" I asked Damon, as I saw him seated at the kitchen table eating cereal.

"Oh nothing, just Snuffle Puff woke me up." He sighed tiredly.

"Oh okay?" I laughed confused.

"Well I'm off to school, bye Damon!" I waved as I grabbed my bag and left. I walked to school, happily. I mean I got to see all my friends, and my wonderful boyfriend Raegan! So it was really good, besides all the test study we'd be doing today. I arrived at school in no time, I walked happily to my locker, and got my books for my morning classes. I only had finals, for Math, English and History. Not biology and chemistry, which I thanked the lord for. I headed to my class knowing I had it with Jack, and I haven't seen him yet. Or Kale, Trent or Ryan? I haven't seen Raegan either, I'm kind of concerned. Okay I'm really concerned.

What if something happened to him? What if he's cheating?! Raegan wouldn't cheat on me, would he? No, we're loyal to each other.

After that I pushed all my thought away, not wanting to think anymore. I made it to my Math class and headed to my seat at the back of the class, but the other was empty... First no Raegan? Now, no Jack? What's going on?

The bell rang, and the teacher, started his lesson. He got us ready, and studying. Then the door open and in stepped Jack. He gained the attention of everyone, including a scowl from the teacher, he muttered his apologies, and made his way to sit by me.

"Jack where were you?" I asked him, as he got seated.

"Nowhere, I woke up late, and then my car wouldn't start, so I ran all the way here, I'm still out of breathe." He panted tiredly.

"Wait, what are we doing?" He asked confused.

"We're studying we have a math final next week." I told him, I heard him cuss under his breathe.

"Can we study together?" He asked, I nodded, and he smiled. He got out his text books and we studied. Next we had English, and we had to write a report, essay and a balanced story. So me and Jack, practiced for that, and that was hard. We practiced our paragraphs, sentences, poetry, and basically everything. Next came Biology and Chemistry, I didn't have that with Jack, so I made my way to it alone. Avoiding people in the halls, as I made my way to the science lab. Me and Raegan have all our classes together but he wasn't in Math or English, I doubted that he would be in Chem and Bio.

I seated myself and listened to the teacher as we took notes. We didn't have a final for Chemistry and Biology because we have taken smaller tests, that would have made up the Final. So we were just testing our science facts on certain things. Finally the bell rang for lunch, and I grabbed my things, making my way to my locker. I put all my books in, and grabbed my phone, since I left it in my locker. I checked my phone and saw I had a text from my dad, but I decided to ignore it.

I looked for Jack, Kale, Trent, Ryan, anyone, but I found no one, once again. I sighed and made my way to the table we always say at. I went on my phone and texted Danny and Damon. Lunch was soon over and I haven't seen anyone. I sighed and texted Danny and Damon goodbye, before headed to my History class. I studied in that one, then I had my free class, which I decided just to skip and go home. So I got my stuff, and walked home.

I saw cop cars in front of my house, and got concerned. My pace quickened as I started running towards my house. I ran up the drive way, to the door, and pushed it open. I saw Damon seated on the couch with two officers.

"Hello, you must be Justin." One of the cops shook my hand.

"Yes I am, what's wrong?" I asked.

"It's about your mother, she got into a car crash, and she didn't make it." One of the officers broke the news. And I felt my whole world slow.

My mom, is dead. The one who raised me. The one who was always there. The one who lifted me up, and said everything was going to be alright. The one who had kissed me goodnight so many times. The one who gave the best hugs. The best advice. The best everything.

Was gone...

(A/n: Well that happened.... Comment, vote, share? I don't know? I'm sorry for killing his mom, but whoops.)

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