You have made it to the street! Quickly, you dive into the first side-street you can find and sprint your way down it. You make a few quick turns, left, right, you backtrack when you wind up in a dead end.
And then you stop.
Ahead of you, the way is blocked by three people. You cannot distinguish their features, hidden under their helmets, but the sigil standing proud on their chest is not unknown to you. They are standing three abreast, their staffs firmly planted by their side, and they are immobile.
You feel a treacherous drop of cold sweat run down your spine. You turn around and prepare to run down the street in the opposite direction - and come face-to-face with the same three people. Disbelieving, you look behind you. The street is empty. You turn once more, aiming to run in that direction - and the three people are back again.
And so it dawns on you: these are spirits, they are with the Monkey King, and you are in deep trouble.
Before you can do anything else, the one in the middle lifts a hand and snaps his fingers. Immediately your body stiffens until you fall to the ground, completely paralysed. Do a Constitution test, rolling 2 dice or getting a random number from a 1 to 12 draw. Shamans and Monks have a +4 bonus to this test.
1 to 7: you cannot resist the spell that was cast on you. Your eyelids droop and you fall into a deep sleep. Congratulations, you finished Part 2! Now go to Chapter Thirty-Three.
8 to 12: although you can't move at all, you do manage to stay awake. Go to Chapter Thirty-Four.

The Rains of Sichuan {Choose Your Own Adventure} // Wattys 2019
Adventure"If we want to survive this drought, you will have to make it rain." In this short-and-sweet Choose Your Own Adventure book, you will be taken on a quest to discover why the rains haven't fallen on your tiny little chinese village - and to remedy...