Chapter Fifty-Seven

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You slip beneath Sun Wukong's reaching arm, skid around and place yourself behind him; you step back just in time to avoid a blow from his tail and you lunge forward, and drop the crown over his head.

A clap like a thunderbolt rings around the room, leaving your ears whistling. You turn, in a panic, ready to attack...

... and come face to face with Mei Mei and Kuan Yin.

They are wearing their own clothes: for Mei Mei a simple robe and cloak of rough green silk, and for Kuan Yin the orange and red robes of her order. Kuan Yin stands with her feet spread, her hands palms against each other, held out in front of her. It was her clapping her hands that made the thunderous sound, and it is her hands controlling the crown.

The Monkey King has stilled, and suddenly he keels forward and lands on the floor, screaming in agony, holding his head, trying to pry the crown off. Finally, he goes limp and silent. He has fainted from the pain.

Kuan Yin still holds him captive, so you rush to him and turn him over, exposing the purse hanging from his belt. From it, you withdraw the gorgeous, massive pearl of the Sichuan Dragon.

When you look back up, Kuan Yin and Mei Mei have been joined by the spirit of the dragon that you met in the jails. His eyes are filled with tears, his mouth bears a great smile. He bows at you in thanks and holds out his hand.

To take the spirit's hand, go to Chapter Fifty-Eight.

The Rains of Sichuan {Choose Your Own Adventure} // Wattys 2019Where stories live. Discover now