Chapter Five

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"Vanguard (n.) The forefront of an action or movement."

June 1943

The day they arrived in England was chaotic.

The other soldiers on the troopship were eager to get off the boat, Bucky and Matt included. Bucky longed for solid ground beneath his feet and going at least two nights in a row without being throw back and forth in a bulk of metal. Men stood all around them, antsy with nerves of excitement, anticipation, and Bucky suspected, fear.

Matty stood next to him, quiet amongst the commotion happening on deck.

"You're not going to get sick one last time are you?" Bucky joked next to him, trying to shake him from his mood.

Matt looked up and gave him a half smile, "Nope, the food in my stomach is going to stay there." Matt paused looking up at the bustle of soldiers around them. "Buck-"

"They're pulling up the ramp!" Someone yelled.

Bucky looked over to see that the ship had been properly aligned to the dock and soldiers were pushing and shoving trying to be the first in line to get off the ship.

"Alright men!" A commanding officer boomed from somewhere in front of them. "You all know your regiment and assigned posts! As soon as your feet leave this God forsaken boat you will report to the correct station according to last names! Once you have reported you will seek out your commanding officer and the rest of your regiment! He will instruct you where to go from there! UNDERSTOOD?"

"Yes sir!" A chorus of voices said at once, saluting.

Slowly, the line inched forward and Bucky and Matt made their way towards land. Finally, they made it onto the dock, cement beneath their boots. Bucky let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding in. Together, they walked along the crowded dock. Uniforms of every rank were walking up and down, trying to find their stations.

Bucky scanned the long line of tents until he spotted the one that began with B. He tuned to Matty, "I'll see you at our station when this chaos dies down!" He shouted over the other voices.

Matty didn't look very confident, but he nodded his head and turned to find the station that started with M.

Bucky made his way towards his tent and took a spot in line. As he waited, he tried looking for Matt to see if he made it alright, but he had already been swallowed in the sea of faces. He spotted a few familiar boys from the boat, but they weren't the only troopship that had been dumped at the harbor today. A lot of the faces around his were new. Many were older, but in Bucky's opinion, most looked far too young.

Finally, he made his way towards the front of the line and stood before a clean-shaven officer with dark graying hair.

"Name and date of birth?" The man asked without looking at Bucky.

"Barnes, James Buchanan, March 10th, 1917. I've been assigned to the 107th." Bucky replied straightening his posture.


Bucky handed the man his order form.

The man took it without looking up and scanned the list of names before him. His eyes darted back and forth from the list to Bucky's papers. He finally looked up. "It appears you have," He simply said. The man took out a card and stamped it. "Your regiment is in the blue tent. Give this to your commanding officer." He handed Bucky the card and his orders back to him. "God speed to you son."

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