Chapter Eleven

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*Author's note*

Hi guys! Just apologizing in advance to my readers who speak/know German, there is some German in this chapter and if I write anything wrong I'm truly sorry! I don't know any German and I literally just used google translate.

Feel free to comment and correct me if I wrote anything wrong or used words in the wrong context :)


"Peripeteia (n.) a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances; the point of no return"

October 1943

Bucky's head felt heavy and his vision blurred as he blinked open his eyes. His ears were ringing from the blast and all he could see around him were shapes and shadows of fire.

He felt something wet trickle down the side of his head and reached up. He looked at his fingers and saw they were covered in blood. He tried to shake it off and look at his surroundings. It took a moment for his eyes to focus and for the ringing in his ears to subside. Rubble and bodies – both American and German- lay all around him. Matt was unconscious next to him on the ground.

"Hey-" He tried to say, but his voice was hoarse. "Matt." He crawled over to his friend and shook him. There was a moment of pure panic when Bucky couldn't find his heartbeat. Then his friend's eyes fluttered open, dazed but alive.

"Buck?" Matt asked groggily.

Bucky let out a sigh of relief. "You're okay." He looked around to find Dugan and Gabe slowly getting to their feet a few yards away.

"You guys okay?" Dugan shouted as he made his way towards them.

"Yeah," Bucky said getting to his feet then giving Matt his hand.

"Lassen Sie Ihre Waffen Fallen! Nicht bewegen!" A voice yelled from behind them.

The four friends froze and looked at one another. Fear seized Bucky as he realized just how dangerous their situation had become.

"He said drop your weapons and put your HANDS UP!" A thick German accent translated for them.

Dugan nodded his head ever so slightly to form a nod. The four of them dropped their weapons to the ground and put their hands in the air.

"Turn around slowly," The translator commanded.

They did as he said. In front of them stood nearly twenty soldiers, all of them wearing black uniforms with the the symbol of a red skull with octopus tentacles on their chests. The symbol of HYDRA.

The man who Bucky assumed was the commander had a wicked grin on his face. "Nehmen Sie sie!"

Before Bucky could register that the man had said take them, the HYDRA soldiers were upon them, roughly binding their hands behind their backs.

"Hey!" Bucky tried to protest, but they paid no attention to him. They were pushed and shoved across the battlefield. Bucky looked around the see his fellow soldiers' bodies on the ground. Ash was all that remained of others. He couldn't even keep out the remorse he felt when he saw Jonathan Gilbert's body lying on the ground eyes wide open.

They were blind folded and shoved into the back of a truck with a dozen other soldiers. Bucky felt more terrified than ever since their boat docked in Europe.

The ride was bumpy and hot. No one said much of anything. Bucky knew he was too frightened to. Two HYDRA soldiers had been seated with them in the truck and Bucky could hear them muttering to each other in German. He had picked up a few German words since arriving in Europe, but they were speaking too fast for him to make sense of anything they were saying. He managed to hear them speak of several trucks with more men in them. Bucky wondered how many other soldiers had been taken and if any of them had made it out. After a while, he let the roar of the engine drown out their muttering voices. He had no idea where they were going and what was waiting for them when they arrived. Bucky heard stories of what the Germans did to Prisoners of War, or P.O.W.s as they are often called. He had to force himself to think about something else or he would lose the last straw of courage he had.

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