Chapter Twelve

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This chapter may or may not contain potential spoilers for Doctor Strange! So if you haven't seen that movie then some things mentioned in this chapter may spoil you!!

ALSO, friendly reminder words in italics are ERIN'S FLASHBACKS FROM WHEN SHE WAS YOUNG. They are different from the "flashbacks" in the Bucky chapters. I'm sorry if that's a little confusing!

This is one of my favorite chapters I've written so far! Hope you guys enjoy it :)


"Acatalepsy (n.) the impossibility of comprehending the universe"

Erin squinted her eyes, willing the words on the page to make sense in her head. It seemed as though no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make sense of what she was reading.

Frustrated, she slammed the book shut and set it down in the pile steadily growing next to her on the desk. She shoved her chair back and went back to the shelf she had taken over in her grandfather's library. It was a smaller room hidden in her grandparent's house, but it was her favorite.

At 11 years old, her grandfather trusted her enough to be careful with many of his rare books he had on the shelves. Whenever the public library or her own father's collection of books failed her, she knew the best place to come was her grandpa's house.

Her class had been learning ancient religions in History class and she was researching for her upcoming project.

Her pointer finger ran over the backs of old leather books. The shelf was the result of her grandfather's many years of tracking down rare volumes on subjects that interested him. So far she had only taken down thick volumes about various spiritual beliefs from around the world. She had come across the word Mystic Arts in a few of them, but none had elaborated on the subject beyond describing it as a way to help the body achieve equilibrium (Erin had to look up what that last word meant).

She finally decided to try a less intimidating book and pulled a small hardcover from its place. She flipped through its contents. It smelled old and dusty, the pages evidence of its years of use. She skimmed over the index until the title of one of the chapters caught her eye: Dimensions and the Mystic Arts.

She flipped to the page. "For many centuries," She read quietly to herself, "The belief of different dimensions has often been a subject of spiritual and physical debate among spiritual leaders and healers. No real evidence that other dimensions exist has been truthfully presented. The Mystic Arts," Erin continues to mutter while turning the page. "Founded by Agemotto-" She pronounced the name Ag-ee-mow-too "-it is a league of powerful sorcerers whose sole task is protecting the Earth from threats of other dimensions." Erin paused, "Agemotto's most prize relict was a pendant worn around his neck, dubbed the Eye of Agamotto. At its center, is said to hold the Time Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones that compose different parts of the Universe..." Erin lingered on the words Infinity Stones. What could those be? "After the death of Agemotto, The Eye is now said to be in Karmar-Taj-" She pronounced that one Kar-mar Tag, "-where those who are deemed worthy to learn the Mystic Arts are trained."

Erin glances back at the shelf. A moment ago she had been looking for anything she could find on the Mystic Arts, now she couldn't get the thought of Infinity Stones out of her heard. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she once again got up and scanned the shelf.

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