Chapter Twenty Three

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"Mizpah (n.) the deep emotional bond between people, especially those separated by distance or death"

January 1945

It was almost over.

            All their months of tracking, fighting, and killing were about to be finished once and for all.

            Late last night, the Howling Commandos received a tip that a HYDRA train was transporting weapons and supplies to their last remaining base somewhere in the Russian mountains.

            The plan was to scout out the tracks and then hopefully infiltrate the train while it was still on the move. If they could capture the soldiers on the train before they swallowed their cyanid teeth, hopefully they would be able to divulge enough information from them about the last HYDRA base.

            It had been a long hard year. So much had happened and Bucky was truly beginning to feel the scars it would leave.

Steve had become an amazing leader. With every mission, he took command as if he were born for it. He transformed right before Bucky's eyes and pretty soon, he couldn't believe a two years ago he had been as skinny as a toothpick. He may have changed physically, but his heart was the same. He was still that kid from Brooklyn who would do whatever it took to protect innocents.

            Matt was thriving in the SSR. Rumor had it that a new U.S. security division was being planned and Stark wanted Matt to have a hand in building its Scientific Division. Once Ester was finished with school, she would be joining Matt here in London. Bucky could tell he couldn't wait to really begin life with her once their mission was complete.

Bucky had been wondering for a long time what he would do when this was all over. Would he go back to Brooklyn? Back to his old life? Would Steve need him anymore? The future suddenly seemed blurry before him. What was going to happen? He supposed he couldn't dwell too much on it. He had to focus on the mission at hand first.

The morning of their mission to take down the HYDRA train was cold and windy. It was the middle of January and they had all learned how unforgiving the weather could be. Bucky buttoned up his coat all the way as he helped load things onto their plane as they prepared for take off in one of the airplane hangers at their base.

"You guys planning on taking down as entire train with just guns?" Matt asked as he approached Steve, Bucky, and Dugan on the take off deck. They were making sure everything was ready for take off before leaving.

"You have a better idea McCall?" Dugan teased as Matt walked over to them.

Something flashed in Matt's hand before he threw it towards Dugan. Dum Dum caught it in his palm and looked at it.

"What is it?" Steve asked.

"We were finally able to make use of those weapons you've been stealing." Matt said coming to a stop in front of them. "They're stunners."

"Stunners aye?" Dugan asked continuing to examine the small box in his hand. It didn't look dangerous to Bucky, just a simple black box Dugan might put his cigarettes in.

"What does it do?" Bucky said plucking the box from Dugan's palm.

"Throw that at a HYDRA soldier and they won't know what hit 'em. We managed to harness to energy from the HYDRA guns into a paralyzing serum. It won't hurt them, but once they've been hit, they'll be out for hours." Matt explained. "Just pop open the top, throw it at your target, and boom, instant prisoner."

"Can't wait to see it in action." Dum Dum said smiling at Matt. "You've come a long way Matty." He said eyeing Matt up and down.

Bucky could see it too. Matt was different from the young man he had met on the troopship all those months ago. He was still the same Matt, but he had grown into himself more, like he knew himself better now.

Matt shrugged shyly. "I'm just glad I can help you idiots." He grinned.

Steve slapped him on the shoulder, "Thank you Matt. We'll see you when we get back."

"Be safe, Cap." Matt nodded.

Steve and Dum Dum walked towards the plane readying to board. Matt turned to Bucky.

"Wish you were coming with us," Bucky admitted quietly. "I could use my bunkmate to watch my back again."

            "You guys have been fine without me so far." Matt shot him a grin. "Besides, there's a lot the Colonel, Agent Carter, and Stark need me to do here." He paused, "You know I hate to admit it, but... you were right. I've been able to do a lot more good here than out there."

Bucky grinned, "I mean, I hate to say I told you do but... I told you so. You do the job well according to Stark."

Matt laughed at him, then a grin twisted on his face as if he were hiding something.

            "What?" Bucky asked, a grin playing on his own face.

            Mathew's grin turned into a full faced smile, "I uh... I'll have a new job soon."

            "What do you mean? Are you being reassigned?" He asked his friend, confused.

            Matthew shook his head, "I'll still be here, but my new job is going to be a lot dirtier than the one you guys have now. It will require a lot more diapers than you all have to spare."

A wide smile grew on Bucky's face. His friend was going to be a father. "You scoundrel!" Bucky said grinning so widely he thought his cheeks would come off of his face. He slapped his friend on the shoulder to congratulate him, "When is the baby due?"

            Mathew's own smile grew, "August."

            "Congrats buddy." Bucky said clapping him on the back again.

Matt couldn't stop smiling. "Listen, Buck, I want you to be-"

            "Bucky!" Dugan called from the plane. Matt turned to see him standing on the walkway. "We have a time to keep!"

            "Be there in a sec!" Bucky called back, "What is it?" He asked turning back to Matt.

Matt opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it again. "Never mind, I'll tell you when you get back." Matthew smiled. He shook Bucky's hand and then pulled him into a hug. "Be safe."

            "Always am," Bucky hugged him back. He flashed him a smile as he started to back away from him, "You owe me a drink when I come back too," Buck said.

            "Pretty sure it's the other way around!" Matthew yelled after him.

            Bucky gave him a final grin and salute before disappearing into the plane with the rest of Captain America's team.

            Bucky didn't know it then, but that was the last time that he would ever see his friend Matthew McCall.

"We carry on through the storm

Tired soldiers in this war

Remember what we're fighting for"

-Svrcina, Battlefield

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