Chapter Twenty One

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"Sisu (n.) extraordinary determination in the face of adversity"


For months they worked.

Tracking down all the HYDRA bases had seemed like a do-able job to begin with, but it was a lot more difficult than Bucky had imagined.

So many things had happened since their HYDRA take down conquest had begun.

Once they had all been given temporary leave from duty, they all decided to take some time to go home before beginning their mission. Bucky and Steve headed home with Matt. The plan was to split ways so Matt could go home to Boston and Bucky and Steve to Brooklyn. They would stay in Brooklyn a little over a week and then head to Boston to meet Matt's family.

Matty decided to take Bucky's advice. He proposed to Ester the night he arrived home. Matt called him that night and told him they would be married within two weeks.

Rebecca was waiting for them when they arrived home. She was the best thing Bucky had seen in months. He couldn't remember hugging someone so fiercely.

Rebecca had made the three of them dinner and they stayed up late into the night talking and telling everything they had missed.

"And you!" Rebecca said to Steve, "Mr. Steve 'Oh I'm Captain America now' Rogers? Disappearing like that?"

Steve couldn't help but laugh, "Sorry Becky, but duty called." He shrugged. Steve always liked to call Rebecca Becky. Ever since they were little it had been his special nickname for her. Bucky had always liked it because it was only one letter off from his nickname too. Becky and Bucky.

"Well next time you decide to become famous, let a friend know first." She laughed.

"I wish you could come with us." Bucky said. Matt and Ester had extended a wedding invite to Rebecca, but she couldn't. She had too much studying to do at home.

"I do too. I'd love to meet the man that saved my brother's ass, but I need to study and Joe said he needs extra help this weekend." Rebecca said referring to Joe Bergman who owned Joe's Diner a few blocks over. It had been their father's favorite diner. He had been a good friend to Joe the owner. His son, Joe Jr. had been a childhood friend to Bucky as well.

"Joe or Joseph?" Bucky teased her. Rebecca had always had a crush or Joe Jr. or Joseph as she liked to call him, and lately it seemed he was beginning to reciprocate those feelings.

Rebecca's face went red. "Shut up." She said hitting him with a kitchen towel.

Saying goodbye to Rebecca was just as painful the second time. "Be careful." She said fussing over his uniform on the porch of their house. "And write when you can. I know you both will be busy," She said looking over at Steve who was loading the car. "But I want to know everything that's happening and that you're safe." He looked at his sister. She had the same blue eyes as him and lighter brown hair like their mother. He tried to memorize her face in this moment, so he could take it with him.

"I will," He pulled her into a hug. He held her so tight, he didn't want to let go. "I'll miss you Becca."

"I'll miss you too," She whispered back.

When they pulled away, she kissed him on the cheek. "Make HYDRA regret the day they decided to take my brother prisoner."

All he could do was smile.

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