Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Kintsurkurio (v.) to repair with gold; understanding that a piece is more beautiful for having been broken"


"So you found the Sanctum?" Erin asked through the screen.

            Tony Stark nodded his head triumphantly. "Apparently the Sanctum deemed me 'worthy' after all." He shot her a smile.

            She smiled back. "What did you think of Wong?"

            "Excellent man, terrible soup."

            Erin held back a snort of laughter, "Were you able to find out anything?"

            "A little, but only enough to construct a very bizarre theory. I won't really be able to know much more until I can talk to Thor and this 'Doctor Strange' guy, but it's a great start." Tony's face turned serious for a moment, "Thank you, Erin. Are you sure I can't do anything to help you? You would have a job at STARK in a minute if you said the word."

            Erin was more than tempted to accept his offer. What was there truly holding her back? Steve and the team? They were thousands of miles away. The only reason she had come back was to help Bucky and if he didn't want her help anymore...

            No. Even if he didn't want her help, she couldn't give up on him. She had other things to figure out and other mysteries to solve before coming back to the real world. "It's an amazing offer Tony, but I can't." She said after a moment. "There are still things I need to figure out. It's not safe for me to come back yet."

            Tony's face scrunched into a mix of worry and confusion. "Are you in some kind of trouble?"

            "Aren't we all?" She chuckled dryly.

            "Erin, if I can help-"

            "I need to do this on my own." She said firmly. "For now it would be best not to contact me too regularly. But I'm safe, I promise." It was only a little lie, but she couldn't tell him everything, not without revealing the whole truth. She couldn't do that yet. "Thank you though."

            He still didn't look pleased, but he didn't push any further. "If you need anything you know how to reach me." He said.

            Erin nodded her head. "Hey Tony? You're really strong, you know that?"

            Tony just looked at her.

            "Underneath the metal and the bad sarcasm-"

            "You're making me regret what I just said-"

            "You have an amazing compassion for others." Erin looked at Tony truly believing the words she was saying. "Don't let go of that. Okay?"

            Tony looked down. "You stay safe, alright?"

            She smiled softly, "Will do. Bye Tony."

            "Goodbye, Erin."

            Then the screen went black and Erin smiled to herself.

            A moment later, something tugged Erin's attention to the window. She felt the tug in her stomach. Something was coming towards the house.

            She grabbed the gun that was still stashed in the drawer of her father's desk. Erin turned off all of the lights. Cara had left a few hours ago and Erin was thankful she wouldn't be here to be captured or tortured if this was an enemy.

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