Trains and floo powder

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I finished packing up my stuff, sitting on my suitcase as I tried to fit the endless bags of cockroach clusters I bought to freak out mum. Seri was still struggling with her final things. She had about three more cases than me because she was carrying all of her belongings. She smiled gratefully when I came over, and together we eventually got the last one zipped up in time to walk downstairs to catch the train in Hogsmeade station.

I levitated Seri's bags so they hovered behind us, and Moony, Wormtail, Prongs, Seri and I walked down to the carriages that would take us back to the station. The carriage was quiet, Seri looked around quickly, probably for Lily, but joined us anyway. James hadn't seen Lily's face since their fight, only her red hair swinging away from him. The station was bustling, endless students trying to find friends, toads, and their lost socks which fell out last minute on the train. 

Once on the train, we found a compartment pretty quickly and I sat back on my chair, looking out of the compartment door window to see if any girls would come a-wandering.

"Are you sure it's ok?" a worried voice to my left said, and I snapped out of window watching. 

"Well, it's probably too late now anyway" James replied, laughing, "look I told you already, my parents said it was fine that you stay with us for the summer.' 

Seri furrowed her eyes and still looked a little worried. Finally, she sighed and sat back on the seat, turning to me.

"Finished searching for new girls to hook-up with," she said, grinning and I pushed her slightly into the wall of our compartment.

"Hey! That's not very nice" she grinned and pushed me into James, but he caught me and pushed me back up in time. Seri had started laughing and even Moony had put down his book and was grinning. Wormtail was sniggering in the corner. 

"I can't believe my first year at Hogwarts is over," Seri said, looking out the window as if to see the castle fading into the distance.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that was only your first year," said Prongs. It was weird, she had infiltrated into our lives quickly. 

"I am very memorable" she grinned and Prongs pushed me into Seri.

"Can we stop using me as a weapon" I said, as Seri pushed me off her with more force than I would have expected out of her.

"Uugh, fine," she said, curling up into a ball by the window, "but you're no fun." 

I rolled my eyes as she closed hers, "So, what's the plan for the summer?"


Before long, Seri was fast asleep by the windowsill, and Moony was back reading his book. James was tapping on the windowsill habitually, looking utterly bored. I pointed Seri out to Prongs and raised an eyebrow. He grinned mischievously.

He got out his wand and pointed it straight at her- 'Agumenti'.

Seri woke with a start, spluttering and cursing. 

"Oh you are so dead when we get home," she said, her eyes flashing. I laughed at how real the threat sounded until she turned the glare onto me and I shut up immediately.

The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful, Lily came in to see Seri when we were about five minutes till we got there, just in case she didn't see her when we got off. The train station was packed with mothers and fathers waving and calling out to each of their children.

I didn't even bother looking for mine, and just followed Seri and Prongs out to his parents, after saying our goodbyes to Moony and Wormtail. James's parents were like my second family, and they treated me heaps better than my actual parents. I stayed with them until they had to go, said my goodbyes and headed over to where two people were standing away from the crowd, looking at me in disgust.

"Hello mother, father," I said gloomily, flashing them a grimace. I then followed them out of the station to what looked like another terrible summer.

~A/N Hey guys, I am now skipping through the hols a bit, cause I really can't be screwed to write all of it (as it wouldn't be very interesting, even JK didn't bother with half of it :P) and I was really excited to write the bit below because I've always wondered how it happened,etc. anyhooooo back on with the story! ~


I ran back up the stairs, three steps at a time, and slammed the door in my room. That was it, the last straw. I could not take it anymore, living in this excuse for a home. It was a joke that this could even be considered a home. I could still feel the burning mark across my cheek and ringing in my ears from all of the yelling.

I grabbed my trunk and two backpacks, hearing them slam on the floor behind me as I started to pull out everything I owned. I packed quickly, in a kind of furious rage. It compelled me to get every last thing off my shelves until the only thing left in my room were the posters on the wall. Muggle posters. Non-moving. I let myself smile as I pulled out my wand. They weren't getting rid of me without me leaving something behind for them to remember me by. 

Finally, I stopped moving. 

I looked around, breathing heavily and turned on the spot. There was still dust behind the curtains. My bed stood tall and regal, tall posts standing in each corner, watching over me. I turned away, praying I would never have to set foot in this rabbit hole. The door shook as I pulled it shut behind me, and my trunk crashed down the stairs. I partially hoped it would break through, leaving sticks and chunks of wood behind. Another reminder of what a disappointment I was to the family.

I smelt fire in the other room. There was a sudden tug at my chest. She wouldn't. Blacking someone out was serious business. You were no longer family, and you were no longer welcome. You no longer existed. If I kept moving, that was probably what would happen. I would no longer have a base. There would be nowhere I could even pretend to call home. My hands started to shake. 

I'd rather have no home then this. 

I reached the living room and saw my parents watching me closely. I pushed the door further open and stepped inside. 

"I've had enough" I spat, my voice shaking, "I'm leaving, I am"

"If you think you're coming back when you leave, when you realise no one else wants you, think again" my mother smiled, sickly sweet, glaring, "No son of mine would question their parents judgement. No son would question tradition"

Her eyes followed me as I walked to the other side of the room. They flicked to where my trunk was pulling at the carpet and I could feel my anger bubble over. I was leaving and she was concerned about her god damned carpet?

"Who would take a sad excuse for a son into their home" my dad laughed darkly, "You think that because you are being defiant, destroying the name of Black, your own name, that you will suddenly become liked, that someone will take you in and love you oh so dearly"

My hands continued to shake as I stepped into the fire. The floo powder in my right hand began leaving a trail around my feet. I turned back to my parents. I wondered if I would ever see them again. 

"Goodbye" I said before shouting the first place that came to mind,

"Potter house!"

A/N I hoped you liked my interpretation of how Sirius runs away from home! PLEASE COMMENT! I love your comments:)

Thanks guys:) x

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