Sweet Dreams

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There was a snap, like tree branches breaking overhead, except that it came from directly below me and was followed by a stabbing pain in my right foot. My eyes watered and refused to look down as I breathed slowly, the pain transferring into shakes rather than screams. I swayed. There was no way of leaning on it, something had broken and it wasn't going to stitch itself back up for me. I took a deep breath.

"Fuck" I breathed out, stumbling backwards onto the couch, tears now stinging my eyes. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, swearing under my breath as I dialled.

"Hi, ambulance please"


There was a sound like air squeezing from her lungs. Sirius went into overdrive.

"What is happening, what's wrong with- why is she doing that, is she ok?"

"Please calm down" Madame Pomfrey huffed as she hurried over, busying herself with spells over Seri's head, "She's fine, something has just caused a shock reaction"

"Shock to what? Is she hurt again, can we check for bruises?"

James gave him a look.

"Mr. Potter, I think it is time you took Mr. Black outside, he is disturbing the patient" Madame Pomfrey's eyes flashed.


"We'll go, we'll go" James pulled Sirius away, "But under protest."

Sirius was dragged away, eyes like daggers to an oblivious Madame Pomfrey, leaving just Remus and myself in the room.

"It's kinda creepy you know" I spoke up, twiddling my thumbs out of habit.

"Yeah, I get what you mean, seeing her like this" Remus mumbled his words before falling silent. His eyes looked like they were sinking into his skull. The full moon was never good for him.

"I'm going to dinner, you coming?" He got up, looking directly at me as if he couldn't look down anymore. It was exhausting.

"I'll follow in a minute"

"I'll save you some drumsticks" Remus smiled and turned away.


There was silence in the hospital wing as I went down and sat next to her. Her face was scrunched up, her eyes lined with sleep and pain. I paused momentarily and then reached in, grabbing her hand in mine awkwardly.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled. It suddenly felt very stupid holding her hand so I dropped it and scurried quickly out of the room.


The emergency room was a 3-hour wait in throbbing pain and the cool chill of the wind bursting through the front door every five minutes. They had given me pain killers in the ambulance but they were wearing off by the time I finally heard my name called. The nurse gave me a smile, which annoyed me. I wasn't sure what the smile was meant to do, cheer me up? I had just broken my fucking foot.

"How is your foot feeling" the doctor whose name was too long to remember asked me once I was in a small patients room.

"Sore, excruciatingly".

"Understandable, it's the right foot, correct?" She lifted it up slowly, turning it in her palm, "You've definitely got some bad bruising here, we are going to have to do some x-rays, alright? We may not get you in today, but we've had mainly virus related emergencies today so hopefully they will be available this evening. Just give me five minutes"

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