Wisdom and food

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I ran to him and crashed into his arms. He rocked me slightly as I burst out into tears on his shoulder, his arms tight around my waist. 

"H-h-how... C-could.. H-he!" I stuttered, sobbing heavily and practically soaking his shirt. He shushed me and lifted my face up, pulling away any hair covering it.

I stared at him, suddenly wishing that Lily could see this side to him and not the arrogant and self-centred one.

"You deserve better then that toerag, ok?" he said gently, "And stick with the Hogwarts crowd, those foreigners are a bit creepy" 

He darted his eyes sideways before grinning at me. I couldn't help but to laugh slightly under my tears.

"Why don't you show Lils this part of you?" I wiped away the tears in my eyes, determined not to look in a window and see how distraught I looked. He sighed and wrapped his arm around me as we started making our way back into the castle.

"Sometimes we do stupid things for love," he said wisely and I chuckled softly at his ridiculous expression. I looked up just as we were about to reach the castle to see Sirius. He looked slightly on edge and extremely concerned.

Did I look that bad?

He started to come over to me, but I stopped him. I didn't want him to see me like this.

"Are you-?" he started but I cut him off.

"Yes I'm fine, but do me a favour would you?" he nodded curtly and I continued, "Dump that little friend of yours."

We both turned to face away from him and walked back into the castle. Once we were inside we, much to my surprise, passed the great hall and went straight up towards the common room.

Let's rephrase that, shall we? We passed food without James going towards it... or me for that matter.

"You sure you don't wanna eat?" I asked, surprised at both of us. 

"Yup" He replied calmly, "my best friend is in dire need for some cheering-up time, so I will sacrifice my food to come up with a revenge plan." 

He pretended to put on a brave face, so I hit him across the shoulder.


Over the next couple of weeks, James and I became closer. With my Lily gossip and his great distractions, he was a good person to keep around, though it was much to Lily's irritation. Sirius broke up with Simons but stayed distance towards me. James told me to think nothing of it, he was fine, but it was difficult to ignore the obvious.

However, for once Hogwarts wasn't swarming with rumours and gossip about why break ups and the such, instead everyone was focused on the upcoming Yule ball.

 Posters were up everywhere and there was constant chatter of what dress are you going to wear or Bloody Hell! How are you supposed to ask one of them out on their own?

Sadly I was caught in the middle of it all. It was hard hanging out with guys when all they wanted to talk about was the er... physical aspects of a girl they wanted to ask, and not being particularly good with dresses I was finding it hard to hang out with Lily as well.

Recently I had given up on trying to listen to either people and started hanging out with Charlene. She shared some similar interests to me, and even though she was a Slytherin, she was starting to become a close friend.

We walked down to the lake to see Sirius and James trying to chat up some girls, probably for the dance. I rolled my eyes and Charlene made gagging sounds. I burst out laughing as James turned around with a big, goofy smile on his face and ran to join us.

"How are my two almost favourite girls doing this morning?"

He pushed through the middle of us and put his arm around us both. James had become surprisingly accepting of the fact that Charlene was a Slytherin. I noticed her staring over behind us and turned to see Sirius walking over to us, smiling.


I heard footsteps behind me and I turned quickly to see Seri and Charlene Raven, walking down towards the lake. I turned back quickly to the girls in front of us. Only one of them was kind of talking to us, but I didn't care, I had work to do.

"Yes" Olivia said, smiling shyly. I winked at her before turning to where James had run off to.

I saw Seri grinning happily when he bounded over to them. Charlene looked over her shoulder at me and smiled slightly before Seri turned to see what she was looking at.

I smiled and headed towards them. Seri smiled back at me and I felt something. Like someone had punched me in the stomach. I shook it off and joined them by the lake.

We stayed there for the rest of the afternoon, well until Seri decided to push me in, only to fall over my foot (smoothly of course) and come crashing into the water with me. Charlene, for some reason, didn't seem to happy about that.

After it started to get dark, Seri went off to find Lily, and Charlene went back to her common room, probably to conspire with the other Slytherins. 

"Are you gunna ask her?" James said suddenly on the way back up to the castle.

"Ask who what?"

He looked at me like I was stupid.

"Ask Seri to the Yule Ball, you idiot," He said laughing and rolling his eyes. 

"Oh I already have a date, and why would I ask her?" I said it was a stupid question. He raised an eyebrow but said nothing as we pushed the castle doors open and moved into the shade of the castle. 

A/N Heyy guys:) 1,000 reads!! HOLY SHIT!! Thanks to everyone who has read it!

Thanks Guys:) xx

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