+ three

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+ three

Narda was trapped in the lobby of her apartment complex with Baekhyun waiting for her outside. Every once in a while, people would come and go from the building, but each time he tried to sneak in, she was there to shut the door in his face. Narda looked down at the time on her phone screen with exasperation. If she didn't leave within the next five minutes, she would miss the train and be late for work.

But she couldn't be seen close to Baekhyun or she would get in trouble for it. Instead she decided to wait it out until he could get tired and leave on his own.

Minutes ticked by and the EXO vocalist didn't budge. Instead the other boys eventually made their way out of the building, to the waiting company cars. They were all headed to dance practices and afterwars each of them had their own schedules to get to. 

Kyungsoo was walking besides Chanyeol when he saw their group member posted outside the apartment building across the street like a security guard. There was a stack of mail in his hand and inside the building he could see the worried face of Guti, who was confined to the building as long as Baekhyun was there. The authorities would not care that he was the one approaching her. They would only care that she was close to him and would blame her for it. Knowing this, Kyungsoo felt bad for Narda and nudged his taller group mate.

"Look." He gestured across the street. Chanyeol had been on his phone, playing a video game when he tore his eyes away from it as he knew that he was pointing toward's Narda's apartment. "Baekhyun is over there stalking Guti. You should go talk to him. But don't start a fight. Everyone's watching and it'll be all over the gossip news."

Chanyeol immediately huffed in annoyance and stuffed his phone into his pocket, Kyungsoo's warning going in one ear and out the other. He stomped across the street, grabbing his group mate by the arm and turning him around to face him and confront him. The force of his pull had been enough to spill the letters from his hand, where they scattered in a mess onto the sidewalk. Narda only watched everything unfold before her eyes, from the safety of her apartment building.

"Leave Guti alone, Baek." Chanyeol warned through gritted teeth.

A rift in their friendship was obvious by now. Baekhyun glared at his former room mate. "Piss off, Chanyeol. I just want to talk to her and explain things. If she'll just listen, I know--"

"She doesn't want to talk to you. She doesn't even want to see you." Chanyeol assured him, a dark tone was evident in his words. "She told me herself. As soon as her contract is over, she'll return to her country and we'll never see her again. All because of what you did to her."

Baekhyun felt his heart drop at the news. He then shook his head in denial. "She can't leave. The only reason I did all of this was to protect her."

The taller of the two boys caught the name Narda Gutierrez Lozano written on one of the letters that was scattered on the ground. Some of them were bills that she needed to pay, while others were junk mail that had been sent to her. "What the hell, Baek? You're stealing her mail now?" He shot his group mate a dirty look.

Baekhyun dropped to his knees and began gathering the mail frantically as he explained, "I wasn't stealing it. I just needed an excuse to talk to her."

He stopped when one particular letter caught his attention. It was one with no return address and Baekhyun Oppa's Sasaeng written on it instead of her name. Baekhyun sighed and opened the letter, reading over what had been written on it in English. It was a threat that said that if she ever got close to Baekhyun again, something bad would happen to her. According to Nari, Narda had a varied collection of hate mail now, and Nari was worried for her friend's emotional state as well as her safety. Chanyeol was able to skim the letter from over Baekhyun's shoulder, and then snatched it from his hold.

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