+ sixteen

667 39 16

+ sixteen

Narda and Chanyeol had gone out to talk in private, but their little talk had almost instantly turned into a make-out session. They were sat on a staircase that was right next to the exit of the venue in the darkened alley. He was sat on the concrete steps with Narda straddling his lap, his lips desperately attached to hers, and his hands on her hips, wanting so badly to go further down, but he wouldn't dare because he knew her and the last time he had let his hands wander too far, she had slapped his wrists without mercy and pulled them up back to her waist. I'll let it pass this once because you didn't know, but next time I'll cut your hands off, she had told him. Her own hands were tangled in his hair, making it a mess. Their lips were swollen and their bodies hot as the temperature was rising.

In her dress, her knees were scraping against the concrete stairs, but she didn't care. They had minutes ago been talking about how he had gotten jealous of his labelmate Jonghyun for talking to Narda, and she reassured him that while they were together, she wouldn't even think of other guys.

That was all he needed to be convinced. Soon after, he had moved in to kiss her and had pulled her onto his lap. Things had started out shy and slowly until they grew to a heavy make out session that had them ignoring the outside world. 

The only thing that pulled them back to reality was a flash from a camera that Chanyeol saw, coming from the entrance of the alley. He pulled away from his girlfriend, breathless. And he stood in front of her to shield her as he got back on his feet. But the photographer was already gone, having darted out onto the street. Narda only sat on the stone steps, her lip stick smeared all over her mouth and her lips swollen, her hair a mess.

She cursed under her breath. "Puta madre. Why does this always happen to me?"

Narda remembered the time they had been at a party in the SM dorms. She kissed Baekhyun and the press had been able to get a picture. The very next morning it was everywhere and SM had issued a statement that the girl in the picture was Taeyeon. 

She tried to wipe the smeared lipstick off with the back of her hand because she could feel it all over her lips. She then propped her chin on her hand while Chanyeol stood there, not really knowing what to do. Now the press had a picture of him making out with Narda, and no doubt they would use it. But from the angle in which it was taken, he was at least relieved that no one would know who she was because she had her back turned to them. Still, he found it annoying that he couldn't even get one moment of privacy when he was alone with his girlfriend.

Chanyeol returned to her side and offered his hand for her to take. "Let's go back inside." He said with a sigh.

She took his hand and he easily helped her back on his feet. His eyes immediately noticed the scrapes on her knees from the concrete stairs. In her short dress, she had gotten skinned knees.

They walked up to the side exit of the building and reached for the door handle only to find there was none. They were stuck outside. Narda once again complained in Spanish, full of frustration. "Me lleva la madre."

"What?" Chanyeol asked, confused.

"I said we're fucked." She repeated what was a close equivalent to her words in Spanish. Thinking of a solution, she pulled her phone out. Since her dress didn't have pockets, she had stored it in her bra. Chanyeol almost choked and coughed awkwardly as he watched her pull it out from its hiding place. "I'll just call Acacia and tell her to come open the door for us." She quickly unlocked her phone and clicked on the name in her contacts, bringing the phone to her ear. When her friend answered, she said to her in Spanish, "Acacia, can you do me a favor and open the back exit for me? I'm stuck outside with Chan."

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