+ thirty

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+ thirty

When Narda came back to her senses, she picked her cellphone off the ground and brought it to her ear, but the line was already dead. The twenty three year old was surprised by how much something like that had affected her, to the point where she had reverted to being a scared little girl. Since she was alone at the apartment, she climbed onto the couch and brought her knees to her chest, her mind plagued with the thoughts of that morning on the beach. How she was so terribly afraid that something bad had happened to her. The doctor told her that there had been nothing to worry about, but what if they were wrong? It was human to make mistakes.

She sat there, staring off into space until Nari arrived with Kyungsoo. They had been arguing about something, which Narda didn't really pay attention to. "Fine Soo! Fuck off then if you're gonna be that way." Nari snarled at him before closing the door in his face.

She was fuming and she huffed angrily, turning around and becoming shocked as she saw her friend sitting on the couch by herself. Narda hadn't even looked at her phone for hours, hadn't even seen or checked for any texts from her best friend or her boyfriend. Nari's voice softened significantly and a small smile graced her lips, since she was always happy to see her best friend. The only two people she had in her life who were her rocks, the only people who truly cared about her were Soo and Narda. Now she felt like her relationship with Soo was slipping out of her fingers. The only person she could cling to was Narda. Sure, she had the other EXO boys. But would they really still talk to her and be her friends if she was no longer with Kyungsoo. She wasn't sure, but she suspected that they would take his side.

"Hey Guti." Nari said to her, eyes reddened with tears that had wanted to escape while she was arguing with Kyungsoo, but she would never let them. She dropped her handbag on the coffee table and went to sit down next to her friend. She had yet to notice the seemingly lost look in her eyes. When she finally did, she asked her with concern, "What's wrong?"

Nari didn't know about the incident by the beach, no one besides Chanyeol and Baekhyun did. Narda wanted to keep it that way. She didn't want people to know that she had potentially been attacked. That she was no longer pure and clean. It was her business anyway, she it was her fault for walking off by herself. Though Chanyeol and Baekhyun tried to reassure her otherwise, she knew it was true. She would never be the same after that. Even though the doctor said nothing happened, on the inside Narda still felt like something was missing.

Narda shook her head clear of her negative thoughts and told her friend a little white lie. After all of this was over, she would come clean and talk to her about it. She also knew that telling her now would be a bad idea. Nari would probably catch a train to Busan and knock someone's teeth out. Like Narda and Florencia liked to put it in Mexican slang--someone was going to be picking up their teeth on the street after Nari was done with them.

"I was just thinking that I'd like to go back to Busan for a few days before I start my new teaching job at Greenland Academy." Narda said, forcing a smile onto her face.

Her friend grinned at her, throwing an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. "I think that's a great idea, Guti. I think a little vacation will do you well." A thought popping into her mind, she added, "Chan oppa should go with you too. I'll have to make him look really sick so they can let him miss schedules for a few days..." Ideas were already racing through her mind on how to accomplish her objective. 

"And Baekhyun..." Narda let it slip subconsciously, before she could give it any real thought.

"What?" Nari asked surprised, raising an eyebrow at her in question.

"Nothing." Narda quickly replied, her cheeks flashing red.

Nari said suspiciously, "Please don't tell me you wanna pull off some Felices Los Cuatro crap with the two of them." 

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