+ twenty nine

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+ twenty nine

It had been about a week since they returned to Korea from Mexico and about two weeks since Narda had been put on probation from her work. She instead quit her job and was searching for a job somewhere else. At the moment, she had no income, but had enough money to cover her rent and other expenses in her savings account. Having learned through Oriana that his sister was out of a job, her brother Aldair was sending money her way as well, but he continuously called her on the phone to check up on her and ask her why she wouldn't just come home now. She had nothing left for her in Korea, as he saw it. Yes, there was Chanyeol, but they could continue to see each other while she was back home with her family.

Narda saw it as a blessing that everyone seemed to be helping her in her time of need. Her brother was sending money, Chanyeol had vowed to pay for anything she needed and was working hard to help her find another job. Even Baekhyun was sending over envelopes stuffed with cash to her apartment. All of which she would send back with Chanyeol. When he would try to send them back to her, Narda started giving the money to Florencia, for her Free Smiles Club organization.

She told her friend they were donations to her on behalf of Byun Baekhyun.

Florencia tried to help her as well, giving her a raise in her job as a secretary at the organization. But most of the work that people did for her was voluntary. They were essentially a non profit who stayed afloat thanks to donations. They didn't charge the families that they helped out.

Kyungsoo and Nari also tried to help her out. Nari assured her that as long as she didn't have her teaching job anymore, she wouldn't have to pay any expenses at the apartment. Kyungsoo promised that he would pay Narda's share of the rent. But Narda declined their offer. She noticed the way the two of them seemed to be having problems and arguments of the last few weeks, and she didn't want to burden them further, having to cover all of her expenses. One of the things Narda did accept from Baekhyun was a letter with information on all the places that were hiring English teachers in the area.

There was one position on the list that had been highlighted and he had written a note to her in English, which she was hardly able to read, but she understood what he meant. It was something along the lines of: Jongin says his friend Jimin knows this place is hiring for sure. His hyung Yoongi has a sister who goes to that school and they already put in a recommendation for you.

He also left a phone number and an address for her. 

The first thing Narda did was to call and ask if they had anything open. The woman who answered the phone explained to her that it was a teaching assistant position, but Narda had no room to protest. Any teaching job to her was a good one. She told her that all she needed to do to apply was to turn in a copy of her resume, and they would schedule her for an interview within the next few days. So Narda rushed out of her apartment and went to the nearest print shop.

She made a copy of her resume and took the bus down to the school. It was a bit further than her previous job, but it was in a very upscale neighborhood and she was still able to get there by bus. She arrived at the school and was directed to the front office by one of the security guards at the front. The moment she stepped into the office, the woman at the front desk seemed to guess that she was the girl who had called earlier. "Here to drop off your resume?" She asked her with a smile.

Narda gave a shake of her head. She got the resume out of her book bag and handed it to the woman at the front desk. She then grabbed a post it note off her desk and wrote something in English. Recommended by Lilliam Pierce (student, family contributions high), and Min Yoongi (Miss Pierce's step-brother).

She then looked up at Narda and explained, "I will hand this over to our principal who will make the final decision. But your recommendations are stellar. The Pierce family have donated a lot of money to this school, so their recommendation will be taken highly into consideration." She tapped the small stack of paper from her resume. "We will be in touch to schedule an interview. Thank you for coming by."

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