+ eighteen

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+ eighteen

Narda ended up going to the supermarket with Nari and the Orizaba sisters. Narda had grabbed a big tub of icecream to share with her boyfriend and all other sorts of unhealthy snacks. Nari tried to get her to save her energy for tryouts the next morning, but Narda felt defeated. She didn't want to be somewhere where they didn't want her. She had no intentions of returning the next morning. Acacia grabbed snacks like it was the beginning of the apocalypse, using her hands to scoop up as many things as she could and she threw them in the cart.

Florencia only watched with hesitance. She was having weigh ins each week to keep her weight down, but she was also put on a special diet to shed some pounds that her managers thought she had extra. She had lost the weight all too quickly and her cheeks appeared hollowed. Her face was lifeless and unhealthy.

They were starving her in order to get her light as a feather, like all the other SM female idols. Flroencia had informed them several times that most of her extra weight was in her legs and her butt. But no one listened to her. Now all the weight she was losing was mostly leaving her face and her chest. Very little of it was being shed from her legs because it was just her body type. She had always had thicker legs than her sisters. Even so, judges had found her beautiful enough to make her Miss Universe--the most beautiful woman in the world. In Korean beauty standards, her managers hardly agreed.

With her green eyes and pale complexion, it wasn't enough for them. She had to be perfect and her managers were going to get her there.

Even Sehun didn't like what he was seeing and had tried to talk to his managers--Jongdae did the same--and they wouldn't listen to them either. As SM idols, they weren't to interfere with managements' decisions, even if it concerned another idol that they were worried about. Florencia's managers had politely urged them to mind their own business and stop meddling in their business.

Narda, Nari, and Acacia often encouraged her to eat if she wished to. They told her that she would be happier, and that people would love her more if she would just love herself the way she was. But that wasn't the problem. She never had a problem with the way she looked before. It was SM Entertainment that was drilling into her head the thought that she was overweight. Now she assured her sister and her friends that she was fine, and that she was choosing not to eat on her own because she wanted to be healthier.

They returned to the apartment within the hour and Narda waited for Chanyeol to contact her. At about eight sharp, he texted her saying that he was waiting right outside her building. She grabbed her bags with snacks and ice cream, said goodnight to Nari, and was out the door.

She met her boyfriend outside, right in front of her apartment building and he pulled her in for a hug, stealing a quick kiss after making sure the coast was clear. The two walked across the street together and Chanyeol snuck her into the building through one of the side doors that went out into the alley. They climbed up the steps to his floor and went right into the lounge room. Chanyeol had made sure to specifically let the other members know that Narda would be coming and that he wanted no interruptions. He had told everyone but Baekhyun and he hoped his room mate would barge in to see them together.

Narda had chosen the movie Instructions Not Included, about a playboy who had been forced to grow up when one of his former lovers dropped off their daughter with him and then mysteriously disappeared. Chanyeol had briefly mentioned it to some of the other boys and Jongdae had informed him that it was a great movie to watch.

They had been sitting on the couch together, Narda cuddled up with Chanyeol and his arms wrapped around her. Her legs were draped over his lap and she wore one of his sweaters to keep warm. On her, it was more like she was wearing a blanket and she was nearly lost inside it. She was immersed in the movie while all Chanyeol was doing was nuzzling his face into her neck and pressing sweet kisses to her skin every now and then.

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