+ thirty four

471 27 11

+ thirty four

Narda was feeling really tired and weak, and she had no desire to go anywhere. She wanted to crawl into her bed, sleep for a few hours, and then return to the hospital to visit Nari. But she had her responsibilities to attend to. Even back home, Narda hated calling off work because she hated having to look bad with her boss. She hardly missed a day unless she was really sick. But this time she didn't want to miss because it was only her first week at work. She didn't want them to think that it would be a regular thing for her to call out sick.

So she got in the shower, changed into her work uniform, and headed out of the apartment. She had pulled her hair back into a messy pony tail and ate an orange on the way out to make her feel better. As she left the building, she walked out without her purse, her cellphone, and her keys. She didn't realize it until she stepped outside, the door closed and locked behind her, and it started raining.

"Me lleva la chingada." Fuck me, she groaned in Spanish, throwing her head back and looking up at the sky.

She reached for her purse which was supposed to be at her side, and nothing. But she didn't lose hope. Maybe she would have her keys in her sweater pocket. Again, she turned up empty handed. The last resort was to get her cellphone out and call Chanyeol for help. He had a spare key to the building and to her apartment. But just as her bad luck would have it, she didn't have her cellphone either. She grabbed the doorknob to the building's entrance and tried to pull the door open. But it was no use.

Narda was caught outside in the rain with only her train and bus pass in her pocket. 

"At least I remembered to bring that." She muttered bitterly to herself. 

She stood by the door to the entrance, hoping for the possibility that someone would leave the building and open the door for her. But time was ticking and she needed to get to work. The rain was also picking up and was beginning to soak through her teacher's uniform. There was, what she thought, a pause in the rain falling from above. But she was mistaken. It had actually been someone behind her, shielding her from the rain with an umbrella. She didn't have to turn to look at him because she could see him through the reflection in the door.

Her eyes widened in surprise.

But instead of saying anything to him, she turned on her heel and started walking down the street. Minseok had long since gone into the building with the food for the other EXO members and Baekhyun had stayed outside to help Narda. The two boys had spotted her--Minseok having seen her in her struggle first--and he encouraged Baekhyun to rush to her aid. He knew well that she was dating Chanyeol, and that Baekhyun was still interested in her. But this had nothing to due with a petty fight between best friends for the love of one girl.

This was about helping a girl who was stuck outside of her apartment, in the rain. At the risk of falling ill if she walked to work in the rain like that. So Minseok took the bags that Baekhyun was helping to carry and went into the building alone.

Baekhyun watched Narda running off for a moment before he reacted and followed after her. As he caught up, he used his umbrella to shield her from the falling rain. She tried to pick up the pace, but she was so tired that she was unable to. 

The scene reminded both of them of a few weeks back when he chased her down the street and she ran away from him. But this time he wasn't nearly so willing to give up as easily. He saw that she was much less cold and distant towards him since their conversation in Busan, after they had returned to the hotel. She no longer looked at him with resentment, nor did she cut off his sentences, unwilling to listen to anything he had to say. She was slowly coming around. Slowly becoming his Narda again.

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