+ twenty eight

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+ twenty eight

In the next three days they were all on a flight to Mexico. EXO was travelling, Baby Lips was travelling, Nari, and Narda were going as well. Florencia and her sister Acacia were already in Mexico. Florencia was filming promo trailers for an upcoming drama that she had been casted for the starring role in--La Malquerida. Her sister Margarita had been casted for a role in the drama as well, as a girl who had been sold to a brothel when she was fourteen and ran away from there to search for a better life. Filming wouldn't start for another few weeks, but the entertainment company wanted some photos and teaser clips of the cast together, to make sure they looked good together, but also to make sure that they all looked good on camera.

Because of that, it was speculated that she wouldn't make it to the wedding, leaving her idol boyfriend dateless. Fans of the couple were rather disappointed that they weren't going to meet up even once while in their short stays in Mexico. But their schedules were too busy, even then, to coordinate a date between the two.

It was a twelve hour flight from South Korea to Los Angeles, after which they got off and changed flights to one that would get them to Mexico City. At first, the members of Baby Lips were surprised to see EXO getting off the same plane and boarding another smaller one with them. But Sarang seemed unsurprised as she skipped over to her boyfriend's side happily. Yixing and Mae also found each other with smiling faces. Only Narda tried to keep her head low, since she didn't want people to notice her and start any trouble.

As they boarded the second plane, they all got settled in their seats. It would be about another three hours of their flight to Mexico, and then finally a thirty minute flight to Guadalajara, which was where the wedding was taking place. Narda sat by Chanyeol, in the same row with Kyungsoo and Nari. When the manager was handing the boys tickets, Chanyeol had begged one of his hyungs to change seats with Narda. Then Nari had intimidated Baekhyun into switching seats with her, otherwise it'd have been Chanyeol, Narda, Baekhyun, and Kyungsoo in one row of seats.

About an hour into the flight, Narda excused herself to go to the toilet. Baekhyun, who was a few rows down, quickly jumped out of his seat and practically trampled over his other group members to follow her. He waited for her to get out of there and blocked the walkway back to her seat. 

She opened the door and then threw her head back in frustration, looking to the heavens.

"You, uh, dropped your..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the first item he could find. It was a paper clip which he had used to break into Junmyeon's dorm before they left Korea. He needed the leader to give them a briefing of the things they might need in Mexico. "Paper clip." he finished awkwardly.

Narda raised an eyebrow at him. "My paper clip? Seriously, Byun? Is that really the best you can come up with?"

She tried to walk around him, but he stepped in her way. She tried stepping to the other side, but again, he blocked her path. They continued their little side to side dance, and he eventually started speaking. "I just wanted to say that I heard about you getting fired from your job and I think that was really unprofessional of them. I know you're an amazing teacher and you've always put your work first. So I wanted you to know that I'm gonna help you search for a new job."

There was a flash in Narda's eyes. She thought his words were sweet, but another part of her screamed at her not to believe in his words. Her brain told her that if she let him in again, he'd just end up hurting her more. So instead, she pushed those thoughts out of her mind and crossed her arms over her chest, quickly questioning him. "What makes you think I want your help? You've done enough to me already."

"Guti--" He tried again to talk to her.

But she cut him off immediately. "Please let me by. I need to get back to my seat."

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