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+ ten

Baekhyun was looking for Chanyeol when he finished his schedules for the night. He had heard the taller boy saying to Kyungsoo that he would be staying in one of the studios, working on a project for an hour. Baekhyun had to stay back extra hours with extra vocal rehearsals and acting lessons for EXO Next Door because he would be singing the OST. Sehun, Chanyeol, and Kyungsoo's schedules were nearly as hectic, but Baekhyun needed to stay behind three extra hours. 

He knew that Chanyeol should have been back in the dorms by then. But as he checked the lounge room and the last bedroom in their hallway, which Chanyeol had taken as his own, he found both of them to be empty.

The EXO vocalist now suspected that Chanyeol was with Narda, and it made his blood boil with jealousy. Chanyeol could spend all the time he wanted with her, while Baekhyun couldn't even get close to her. As he turned to leave Chanyeol's room--his friend rarely locked his door, even when he wasn't around because he was always prone to losing his keys and didn't want to go through the trouble of picking the lock--something on the desk caught his eye. It was a notebook open to a page with messy writing on it. There were things written in blue ink, while things crossed out in red stood out. Baekhyun gathered that it was a song his friend was writing.

At the top was a name for the song. Jagiya.

He immediately knew the song was for Guti. He returned further into the room and stopped in front of the desk. In plain sight he could see the open notebook and he began reading the sloppily written lyrics on the page.

All of the lights in Heaven
Are Nothing
When they're compared to you.
You passed me by
Like a wandering tune

And now I'm here,
To let you know
I love you.

You're brighter than the moonlight
That passes
Wanting only to flourish

I'm tempted,
My darling, to kiss
your sweet lips.

A thought flashed in Baekhyun's mind--to rip the page out and tear it to shreds. But even through his anger, he had to admit that it was a good song. Curiosity got the best of him and he flipped through the pages of the notebook. He had already written about an album's worth of songs for her. Baekhyun figured that was the special project he was working on in the studio after hours. Maybe he was going to record them and put them in a CD for her to have as a present.

Baekhyun heaved a sigh and returned to his room, knowing himself defeated already. 

He sat on his bed with his phone in hand, and he opened the last few conversations he had with Narda through text messages. She was always happy, smiling, and sent him little pictures throughout her day telling him that she missed him even if she had seen him a little while earlier. She had a similar personality to Baekhyun. That's why they got on so well.

The very last text he got from her was from when she went to visit her family over winter break. She was at a football game with them and her friend Oriana. 

His eyes widened as an idea came to him. He had her phone number, and if she didn't want to talk to him, maybe he could text her and tell her everything that really happened. A smile formed on his lips as he composed a text message to her.

baekhyun: guti, baby...

error: message not sent.
message resent.
error: message not sent.

baekhyun: guti...?
error: message not sent

Baekhyun clicked on the phone call option and waited as the phone rang. It rang once before an automated machine replied to him. I'm sorry, the number you have dialed has recently blocked you. If this is a mistake, please hang up and contact your carrier. The call then went dead, leaving Baekhyun on the phone by himself. But he knew it was no mistake. Narda had likely blocked him because she was hurt over what he did.

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