+ fourteen

768 41 13

+ fourteen

When they arrived at the police station, Chanyeol was the one who did all the talking. He walked up to the front desk and told them that his girlfriend wanted to file a report for stolen objects and possible sexual abuse. Narda stayed in the lobby area with Baekhyun, never leaving his side. Her gaze absent as she rested her head on his chest while they sat in the waiting room area. She still had his jacket wrapped around herself, and it seemed to bring her comfort, and made her feel protected. Baekhyun only rested his chin atop her head and slowly ran his fingers through her strands of hair, trying to pick the bits of sand out.

It was about a half hour before she was called into the back offices. A female police officer introduced herself as Kim Yujin, and explained to her in English that she was going to take her into one of the back rooms to take her account of what happened and then for her to get a physical examination.

She grabbed Guti by the hand slowly and pulled her up to standing, trying to coax her to follow her into the back offices alone. She had also explained that since it was going to be a physical examination, she would need to get undressed and that it was probably something she should do on her own. There would be time later to question the two boys about what they knew of the incident or where they were when it happened. But Narda looked back at the two boys who had accompanied her. Her eyes welling up with tears as though she would never see them again. Her hand reached out in Baekhyun's direction, saying to him like a needy child. "I'm scared. I can't go in there by myself." Her lip quivered, but she tried to conceal it by biting down on it.

Baekhyun shot up from his chair, both of them did, and hurried to her side. She held her arms out for him and he found her embrace, holding her tight. 

"Your boyfriend has to stay out here. I promise you'll be safe with us. Nothing bad will happen to you now." The woman police officer said, causing another prick in Chanyeol's chest. In the back of his mind, he really did think that Baekhyun looked more like her boyfriend than he did. Officer Kim gently pulled at Narda's arm, trying to pry her away from Baekhyun.

Narda refused to leave his embrace, giving a shake of her head, her face hidden in the material of his shirt. "I really can't. I won't go anywhere alone anymore. That was why this happened. I can't." She said, her breathing becoming quick and shallow in a panic.

Baekhyun looked up at the police officer who instead of becoming irritated by Narda's behavior, there was clear pity in her eyes. He decided to appeal to her by pleading. "Please. I promise I'll be quiet and stay out of the way." He promised her. But they both knew that was a lie. With the way she was clinging to him, it was evident that she was nowhere near letting go.

Officer Kim finally heaved a sigh. "Alright. But just one of you. The other one has to stay out here." She said to them.

Baekhyun shot Chanyeol a pleading look now. Chanyeol only nodded his head. "Go with her." He said, sitting back in one of the lobby chairs, heart broken. 

His group made gave him a thankful nod.

The police officer opened the door that led to the back offices and then gestured for them to follow her. They passed several cubicles and people in uniform passed them left and right. Everywhere, they could hear phones ringing, and calls being answered for both emergency and non-emergency situations. It was a long hallway that led to a back room with dark tinted windows that went along the whole wall. She opened the door for them and there was one lonely table in the room, and three chairs. It looked like an interrogation room, like the ones they saw in the movies.

But for this instance it was being used to get Narda's account of what happened. Officer Kim sat across from them, while Baekhyun and Narda sat in the other two chairs. The EXO member quickly pushed his chair as close to hers as possible, and she latched onto his arm, laying her head on his shoulder.

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