+ thirty three

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+ thirty three

Before Guti could arrive at the hospital, there were two people who arrived first. Kyungsoo recognized them instantly from framed photos around Nari's apartment, which really weren't many. They were her parents, who had abandoned her when she told them that she didn't want to get into politics like them. Kyungsoo didn't know them personally, had never met them before, but he wasn't interested in meeting them after the way in which they treated Nari. Not that they wanted to meet him either. They didn't even know that their daughter had been dating the Kpop idol and EXO member.

He watched them walk up to the reception desk, both of them looking rather awkward and foreign in the expensive clothes they were, and her mother asked for news of Yeo Nari. The nurse looked the name up on her computer and informed them, "She's under observation still. A doctor will be out shortly with more news on her condition. Please feel free to take a seat and wait."

The middle aged couple nodded, and went to find somewhere to sit.

It was about twenty more minutes before Guti walked through the front doors of the emergency room with Chanyeol in town, her eyes red and puffy, and full of worry. The other boys were nowhere to be found--Kyungsoo figured Guti had asked them to stay home to prevent a frenzy in the waiting room, lest any fans would recognize them. She scanned over the room quickly and when she found him, she rushed to his side. Kyungsoo got back on his feet to greet them. Guti pulled him in for a hug first, and then Chanyeol did the same. Guti didn't waste any time to ask how Nari was doing.

"I don't know." Kyungsoo said with a sigh. By now he had gone to the toilets to wash the blood off his face and hands. But it was still on his clothes. He knew people were staring at him because of it. "No one has told me anything." He informed them.

Just as he had said that, a doctor walked out the double doors from one of the operating rooms with a clipboard in hand. He was wearing surgical attire and blue gloves covered his hands. Kyungsoo just knew that he had news about Nari and he darted forward, in his direction, without wasting any time. "Relatives of Yeo Nari." The doctor said and Kyungsoo nodded his head. Her parents were within earshot and shot up from their chairs at the mention of their daughter.

"We're her parents." Her mother said, shooting the three younger people a look.

The doctor turned more in their direction now, but it soon became like a contest of who knew her and who didn't.

"I'm her best friend." Narda offered, waving him back in their direction.

"I'm a friend of her's from work." Chanyeol offered.

Finally, Kyungsoo finally said what their relationship was out loud. The only other people who had ever known that information until that moment was the two of them, the other EXO members, and Narda. "She's my girlfriend." He said in his low tone of voice. His voice cracked a twinge and felt so unused, so foreign to his own ears.

The doctor sighed and then proceeded to explain--to all of them. He didn't have the time to judge on who he would talk to only. "We've managed to stop the bleeding, but she'll need a lot of blood. Also, the blow to her skull was very severe. So much that she was sent into a comatose state." His words shattered Kyungsoo's world. He never wanted things to go that far and now he felt very guilty for the way in which he broke up with her. He felt guilty for the things he said to her. He mother broke out into sobs instantly. Narda did as well, and was consoled by Chanyeol who was standing there beside her. Kyungsoo had gone into a state of shock. "But there is a bit of good news." The doctor informed them. Kyungsoo looked up with some hope. "The baby she's bearing was completely unscathed. With the proper care, she can have a successful pregnancy, even if she's still in a coma."

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