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gutilozz: a nice little memory of busan before things went a bit wrong. all creds of this pic to my photographer and my number one fan <3 #usted #atthehotel

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His thumb had all too quickly clicked on the underlined link for her instagram page in his notifications. But each time he tried to click on the picture to see it, his phone screen would go blank, and he had to exit out of the app to get it going again. He didn't have access to her page anymore. She had been so committed to not speaking to him again that she had blocked him. He had been forced to put a restraining order on her, and she had blocked him from every aspect of her life, both online and in real life. Baekhyun had even considered making another--a secret--account so that he could see her pictures. But it was no use. Narda's page was private anyway, and she only accepted follow requests from people she knew. All he could see was the thumbnail in his notifications, from the page where he could see what his friends were liking and posting. 

He followed the other members and their girlfriends, and most of them followed Narda since she was a friend of theirs too. There was no way for him to escape her, but he didn't want to. He wanted so badly to talk to her, to just see her, and he couldn't. Those few hours in Busan were the closest he had been able to get to her in weeks.

They had long since arrived back from Busan and Baekhyun had gotten a scolding from the managers, along with a punishment which included a curfew. For the next few weeks he wasn't allowed to go out at night, even if it was with the other EXO memebers. 

He was to fulfill his schedules and then return straight to the dorms. In front of the fans he had been excused by telling everyone that he had caught the same cold that Chanyeol had and was resting in the dorms. Chanyeol had gotten off without getting in any trouble. Nari had kept her mouth shut for him, and Baekhyun did as well. He figured that after everything that had happened in Busan with Narda, she needed him. 

Narda had kept the incident to herself. Only she, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun knew what happened. She was all smiles when she returned to her apartment to see Nari and Kyungsoo sitting together on the sofa. The atmosphere in the room was tense when she opened the door, and they appeared almost as though they had been arguing before she arrived. But the two of them appeared overly happy when they saw her. Nari had even jumped out of her seat to greet her with a hug. Kyungsoo had smiled at her politely and excused himself, informing them that he needed to return to the dorms because they would be having early morning practices that day.

Nari immediately shook away her problems with Kyungsoo and tried to get the scoop on Narda's trip while Narda kept the details to a minimum. Her friend had been trying to pry when a commercial played on the television. It was an open try out call for Seoul FC's women division. Nari quickly changed the subject and gestured to the television. "They're still taking people for the new season. I think you should go try out." She knew from Narda herself that football was something she loved and was good at. Nari thought it would be something positive to keep her busy in the upcoming weeks.

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