+ thirty seven

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+ thirty seven

With her days in Korea coming to an end, Narda started making arrangements for the apartment. Neither she or Nari would be living there for a while, but she didn't want to stop paying the rent because she knew that if her friend were to wake up, she would have nowhere to go. Kyungsoo offered to pay the rent in her absence, but Narda refused. She had always been the type to refuse favors from people. She knew he was doing it out of the kindness of his heart, but she didn't like feeling like she owed anyone anything. 

Instead she asked a favor of her brother. She wanted him to continue paying the bills for the apartment and she would find a way to pay him back, working at the university while she finished up her degree and getting a job outside of school as well. Her brother assured her it was no trouble and he would gladly pay the apartment bills for her. 

It was one week before she was to return home when Chanyeol texted her, asking if they could have lunch together. He said that he had news for her, but he wouldn't say anything more over text. Narda wasn't sure what it was about. Perhaps he had found out that she was leaving and would try to convince her to stay. But no one else knew about it--just her, the school she worked at, and Kyungsoo. But she knew Kyungsoo wouldn't tell a soul. He was one of the most loyal people she knew and they had grown to be really close friends in the time they spent visiting Nari.

He arrived at her apartment during his lunch hour and a small smile was visible in his eyes as he saw her. He had adopted the same method as Baekhyun, the one Narda taught them--wearing the Mexico jacket and sunglasses. People didn't seem to catch on until now that they were not Mexican tourists. 

Narda pulled him in for a hug and led him into the apartment. She closed the door behind him and the two went to sit down on the couch. Before Narda could even ask what he wanted to talk to her about, he reached into the jacket's pocket and pulled out an envelope. He handed to her silently and Narda took it from him. Her eyes scanned over the front. The envelope read: Court of Seoul. Her eyes widened in awe as she fathomed it could only mean one of three things. It could be about the man Narda pressed charges against for the incident on the beach, or the restraining order Baekhyun put against her almost a year prior. Or maybe it was about her marriage to the boy sitting a couple inches from her on the couch.

She tore the envelope open and pulled out the letter. It was three sheets of paper. One was of information regarding Chanyeol--his full name, date of birth, place of birth, and so on. Under marital status, the form read divorced, formally married to Narda Gutierrez Lozano. The next sheet of paper was similar to the first, but it was about her and contained less information since she didn't present her birth certificate at the time of the ceremony and most of the information the court knew about her was through the marriage application they filled out at the carnival. Under marital status, her name read: divorced, formally married to Park Chanyeol

The final sheet of paper was their marriage licence and certificate, but it was a copy of it since Chanyeol had the original one that had been given to them over two months prior at the carnival. The whole thing had been crossed out in red marker and stamped with the word void

Chanyeol informed her, "I went to the court and bribed someone to divorce us." 

Narda looked towards him with surprise. She remembered asking him to do that for her, but she didn't think he would really do it. At that moment she had been really desperate to nullify their marriage. Then another thought came to her. It must have been difficult for him to go through with. Though their marriage was never real to begin with, she knew that it might have meant something to him, at least even a little bit. Just like her relationship with Baekhyun, it had been something one sided.

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