+ thirty six

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+ thirty six

Narda was about to head out to visit Nari at the hospital when there was a knock on her door. The EXO members were doing individual activities and Chanyeol told her he wouldn't be able to accompany her to the hospital. Narda was ready to make the almost hour long journey there by herself. It was the coming back to the apartment that she dreaded because it would be night time and she would be taking public transportation back home. But Chanyeol said he would be picking her up after his schedules, which filled her with comfort.

She was glad that even after their break up, they had been able to remain friends. Chanyeol was hurt over their separation, but he didn't hold it against her. If even as a friend, he wanted to be close to her.

There was surprise on her face when she opened the door to the apartment and saw Byun Baekhyun standing out in the hallway. She looked both ways, into the empty hallway, and grabbed him by the hand, pulling him inside. "What are you doing here? Are you insane?" She asked him in a whisper as she closed the door behind him. The news about them had died down significantly thanks to the incident with Nari and then the news about Park Sarang disappearing. Narda didn't want to be in the public eye again for having Baekhyun spotted visiting her apartment.

"Its okay." He assured her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "No one saw me, I swear. I was practically invisible."

That was when she realized what he was wearing--her white Mexico jacket, dark skinny jeans, and sunglasses covering his eyes. It was right then that she knew what he meant. No one saw him because he had made sure to follow her invisibility advice. If he were to dress like people knew Byun Baekhyun dressed, he would be spotted instantly. On the other hand, if he wore something no one would ever fathom he would wear, then he wouldn't be spotted making his way out the back exit of the SM dorms and across the street to the luxury apartments where Narda lived.

She heaved a sigh of relief before she remembered that either way he was there, and they didn't talk anymore. They couldn't because he put a restraining order against her. Yet, he was always there. Always watching her and following her around. It was like the roles had reversed and Baekhuyn was now Narda's sasaeng.

"I heard you and Chan broke up." He told her, his words sounding almost a bit too happy of the fact.

Narda sighed and gave a nod of her head in confirmation. "Yeah. I just came to the conclusion that it was wrong of me to string him along like that for as long as I did. I love him so much, but I just didn't feel for him the kind of love that he wanted. Please don't say anything to him about it, and don't pick fights with him either. He's very sensitive right now and I wish him to be unburdened as long as possible." Her words came out as more than a request, but rather a plead. She at least cared about him enough to take care of him and his feelings, despite the fact that they were now broken up. 

By now, Baekhyun and the other members probably knew as well. They just didn't make a big deal out of it in front of them because it would make things awkward. The boys were friends with Chanyeol, but they had also grown to really like Guti and were friends of hers as well.

"Is there..." He started slowly, trying to think of the right way to word things. "Is there still a chance...for us?"

She was taken aback by his question. But if she was being perfectly honest, she had actually given it some thought. Would things work out if she dated Baekhyun again, this time in public? The fans didn't seem to like her and Chanyeol together and they didn't like her when she was a known Baekhyun sasaeng fan. They would never approve of the two of them dating. She wasn't too worried about herself because she was used to all the hate already, but she was worried about what it would do to his career.

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