+ epilogue

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+ epilogue

June 2016.

Narda graduated from the university and returned to Korea shortly after, telling her family that she had to help take care of Nari and Kyungsoo's baby. Nari was her best friend and Kyungsoo didn't want to leave the child with just anyone. So Narda was a stay at home mother for a while, taking care of a beautiful baby girl named Jangmi--or Rose in English. Kyungsoo had let Narda name the baby, since he knew Nari would want it that way, and he couldn't decide on a name anyway.

Since he didn't want to leave Narda alone at the apartment with the baby while Nari was in the hospital, Baekhyun had moved some of his things to the apartment and now lived there more than he lived at the dorms. 

It was a typical morning for them to wake up together in their bed--Baekhyun had long since gotten a new one for them, which was bigger since the one Narda had before was a twin bed. Baekhyun would get in the shower first while Narda did her morning routine and prepared breakfast for the two of them. Then he'd head out to practices for the day, meeting the other boys in front of the dorms. 

She always made sure to pack lunch for him, since she was always worried that he wasn't eating well. The managers at SM were beginning to crack on the EXO members as well. They wanted them to work out and get some abs, which they could show off at their concerts in a few months time. But Narda assured her boyfriend that it was his personal choice. That it was okay if he wanted to get abs, but that he was also perfect just the way he was.

Narda was given her job back at the school and she was scheduled to return once Jangmi could be old enough to leave her with the school's child center. 

The restraining order against her had been officially revoked and now Narda and Baekhyun were able to see each other without a problem. They were cautious at first, since the fans were initially jealous of their relationship. But things died down once Baekhyun asked his fans to be nice to Narda. Still, there were those who didn't trust her and left the occasional hate comments on her social media pages. Narda had the support of Baekhyun, as well as the other EXO members.

As it was coming time for Baekhyun to head over to practices with the other boys, the couple heard the doorbell ring. Kyungsoo was at the door as always. He always arrived in the mornings to greet his daughter and walk with Baekhyun across the street.

"Hello my little Jangmi. Appa missed you." He waved in front of her face with a wide smile, causing the baby to giggle in amusement in Narda's arms. She knew he was just aching for her to be old enough. The hospital would not grant him permission for her to visit Nari in the hospital until she could be at least two years old. They mentioned something about her being prone to getting sick easily in a place where viruses could be all over the place. The doctor had promised though to make an exception once again for Nari's birthday, which would come up in another six months.

He held the baby in his arms for a brief moment before returning her to Narda, as it was time for them to get going.

"Ready to go, Baekhyun?" He asked his hyung.

Baekhyun nodded. Then he leaned in and kissed his girlfriend on the lips. "I love you, jagi. I'll be back tonight." To the baby who was now also like a daughter to him, he said playfully. "Bye Jangmi. Uncle Baek and your appa are going to work now."

They watched the two boys go and Narda called out to Baekhyun. "I'll miss you, papi. Have a good day at work, okay?"

"I'll miss you more." He shouted back.

"No, I will." She argued cutely.

"No, I will." Baekhyun argued back, blowing her a kiss.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at them in annoyance. The two of them were so insufferable, as he liked to put it. He grabbed Baekhyun by the arm and pushed him into the waiting elevator. "Lets go before we get there late. I swear you guys do this every single morning." He muttered the last sentence more under his breath than anything.

As the elevator doors closed in front of them, Baekhyun had just enough time to shout one more time, "I love you, jagi!"

Narda smiled to herself.

Things were finally going well for them after all the drama of the past two years since she met them. And she wasn't just talking about Baekhyun. It was the same for EXO. They had gone through so much and it seemed that life was finally rewarding the EXO members for their hard work and dedication. 

It might have been the end of their struggles.

But it was just the beginning of their victories.




so this marks the end of this story. again, thank you all loads for reading and supporting me. it has meant the entire world. honestly, i never thought my kpop stories would get this much support.

i'm still overwhelmed.

but anyway, tomorrow i'm going to disneyland. so there will be no updates probably. maybe one for "Twelve" if i have the chance. but i'm not sure. probably not. 

i'll see you all in "twelve"!

thank you.


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