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I didn't stop, the punches just kept coming. Next thing I know I had her in a headlock with one arm and punching her with the other. "You skank why are you at my man's house," I said grabbing a handful of her hair. "Whoa, Jordan!" Brian said pulling me away from her.

"Jordan relax she's with me" he assured. "Brian, why are you here?" I asked. "Come on I'll explain," he said walking me into the living room. Brian sat me down and explained how he and Kaz spent the night here.

"So wait, Scott let you stay here," I asked. Kaz nodded at me. And Brian wrapped his arm around her. "So where the hell is Scott?" I shouted. Brain stayed quite and Kaz just shrugged. "I didn't see your boyfriend all night, only when we arrived at the party" she explained. "where could he have run off too" I mumbled.

Brian looked everywhere but my face. "Brain! you hiding something" I challenged. He shook his head repeatedly. "You've been looking everywhere but my eyes" I addressed. He stared quietly. "Babe?" Kaz said staring at him.

"You know something spill it" I yelled. "Okay look, I don't where he was yesterday" he explained. "Bullshit" I yelled. "I swear, I have no idea where he was, but" he paused. Kaz hit his shoulder. "But what?" she glared at him. "I know that he said he was going out to James house" he paused again.

"Okay.. and?" I asked. "James is at his girl's house," he said. "So he's not with James," I said. "Then where is he?" I asked. "I don't know," he said with a straight face. That's when I knew he was lying. He knew actually where Scott was. He was Scott's best friend, Scott told him everything. Brian was hiding something, and honestly, I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. I got up, "okay when he comes home tell him to call me," I said heading towards the front door.

The whole way home, I thought about Brian not telling me where Scott was. When I got home, I went straight to my room. Liv was sitting on my sister's bed."Did you talk to your needle dick of a boyfriend" Liv asked while she typed on her Mac laptop. I closed the door with my foot. "I hope he had a good reason for giving me this black eye" Liv glared at me real quick.

"He wasn't there okay?" I said hopping onto my bed. Liv closed her laptop and stared at me. Her brown eyes sparkling with interest. "Well, where the hell is he then?" she asked. I shrugged, "I don't know, he's not home just your stupid friend is there," I told her. Her face lit up, "Kaz is there?" Liv asked.

I nodded, "she spent the night there with Brian" I explained. Liv rolled her eyes, "oh yeah, Brain" she said hurt. She opened her bag and took out a pack of cigarettes. "You can't smoke that in here," I told her. She rolled her eyes and headed for the front door. "Wait, I'm not done venting" I whined.

"Then come on," she said walking out the door. I grabbed my keys and followed her. She picked up her cigarette and began to light it. I wanted to cover my nose, I hated smokers. "So continue" she encouraged. "Ever since we had that argument about him sleeping with you-" "Wait, that's what this whole thing about," she asked. I nodded, "you should have dumped his ass for even mentioning that" she told me. "That's seriously not cool" she frowned.

I sighed and she exhaled and blew some smoke in my face. I stared at her brown eyes. She stared at me for a second and then blushed. She looked the other way and started smoking again. " I told him I don't want to talk to him anymore, but I'm still his girlfriend" I explained. Liv nodded and said, "you sure you don't want to smoke" she offered me the cigarette.

I shook my head, "No I don't want that cancer stick" I told her. She smirked at me and started smoking again. "Honestly just talked to him, you guys are in a relationship your suppose to be telling him this, not some roommate you hate," she told me. "You easy to vent too" I admitted. She smiled at me, and that's when I rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever I'm going to go inside to see if he called back," I said walking back inside.


Last night I was worried about Jordan. Honestly, I don't know why I care, she's been nothing but disrespectful to me. I mean she did make me breakfast, so I decided to talk to Scott for her. when I arrived at school, I saw Scott right near my locker.

How is it easy for me to find him, but yesterday when Jordan was trying to find him he was nowhere to be found. I walked over to him, arms crossed over my chest."Why am I always running into you?" I asked Scott. He smiled at me, "maybe it's a sign mama" she said winking his left eye. I laughed, "You're not my type." "Sure," he said unconvinced. "Look, can you stop avoiding your girlfriend" I begged. He raised both his eyebrows, "since when do you care about Jordon?" he asked.

"I don't, but Scott she really likes you and your cheating on her is really-" "That's none of your business" he shouted. "This is my relationship, not yours so don't tell me what I'm supposed to be doing" he barked. "I know Jordon can be bossy, annoying, selfish, damn the list is endless" I admitted. "But she loves you, and admit it her body is amazing, why would you not want to claim that," I told him. "Okay first that was kind of gay" he pointed out. I rolled my eyes, "and second yeah her body is nice but she hasn't let me tap that in months" he spat.

"So you decided to cheat on her?" I asked. Scott picked his bag off the floor. "I don't have to explain myself to you and stop trying to play doctor Phil." He told me. "I'm not, I'm just saying she's your girlfriend" I pointed out. He glared at me and pulled me by my wrist, "look you better not pussy out, you promised you wouldn't tell Jordan" he addressed. "I know and I'm not going to" I explained. He was totally missing the point, I wasn't going to tell her anything I just wanted him to talk to her.

"Look, you better stop messing with that trick, before some other guy starts treating Jordan the way she deserves to be treated." I threatened. He let go of my wrist, "every guy in this school knows not to touch what's my mine" he admitted.

"Then why did some guy try to- " I paused. "What?" he challenged. I sucked on my bottom lip. It's not my business to tell, Damn I really fucked up this time. "What guy what are you talking about?" he asked. I stayed quiet, "Liv you better tell me or else." he threatened. "Or else what?" I stupidly challenged.

That's when he grabbed me off the floor and shoved me into my locker. Since I was so damn short my feet was couldn't even touch the floor."You wouldn't hit a girl" I stuttered. "If she's not telling me a secret about my girlfriend that I don't know, then yeah I will," he said. I just stared at him not sure if I was calling him on his bluff. He raised his hand and that's when I blurted. "Jordan was almost raped at the party."

Scott's eyes widen and he dropped me so hard I landed on my ass. "Who?!" he shouted. "I'm not sure, I don't know his name" I stuttered. "Where's Jordan?" he asked. "No, I wasn't supposed to tell you," I said trying to get up, but he was already walking away. "Scott!" I shouted after him.

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