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A/N: Hello my fellow readers. This next chapter I would like to dedicated to anyone whose ever read my stories. You've guys have been giving me feedback and encouraging me to keep writing. Some of you guys even message me. I'm so grateful to have loyal readers like you. Please continue to comment and vote for my chapters 💜


I waited in the basement, the door flew open and Kaz and Brain ran over to us. Kaz screamed, " oh my god what happened?!" She hollered. I shrugged my shoulders. "I found him like this come on we don't have much time," I said trying to pick him up.

Brian took his right arm over his shoulder, and I put his left arm over my shoulder. This was a horrible plan.Brain and I were too different heights, so this made it more difficult to carry him. Kaz held the door open for us.

I stumbled onto the ground and dropped Ravi with me. He groaned again and my tears fell out harder.

The bell ringed and students were entering the hall. Brian groaned, "Kaz help her, it's about to get crowded in this hallways, I'll move everyone out the way," he told her. Kaz nodded and crouched down to help pick up Ravi.

Ravi was mumbled something in his language and I wish I knew what he was saying. I bit down on my lip hard. "On three" Kaz whispered.

"One... two..." she continued.

"Three," we both said as we lifted up. We followed behind Brain. Students were gasping and looking at us.

Some even took out their phones to record. "Oh my god" I heard a few girls gasp. Some people he blocked our way, but Brain kept his promise he shoved and moved everyone out our way to we had a clear pass.

Ravi was heaving and it literally felt like I was dragging his body. My arms grew tired but we were almost there. This was my fault and I needed him to be okay. When we arrived at the hospital, Brain was screaming for someone to see him.

My head was spinning everything was happening so fast, Brain was yelling, Kaz was helping me hold up Ravi.

We finally made it outside and Brain pulled out his keys, his car wasn't far away from the school so we didn't have to walk fast. We placed Ravi in the backseat. I sat next to him, meanwhile, Kaz and Brain sat in the front.

"Hurry" I ordered. Brian put his seatbelt and drove to the hospital. Ravi was still moaning and I grabbed his left hand. I closed my eyes and did something I never thought I'll ever do. I prayed.

When we arrived at the hospital, doctors, nurses and medical assistants were rushing and taking care of other patients. Kaz and I were still holding up Ravi. The brain was trying to let a doctor see Ravi but the lady at the desk was telling us we have to make an appointment.

My arms felt numb and my heart was racing. Everything was going fast again, Brain yelling at the lady at the desk. Doctors running and patients bleeding and Injured in carts. "Oliva" I heard Kaz said, but it sounded like a whisper.

Soon I couldn't hear anything and just saw her mouth moving. My vision became blurred and I collapsed on the floor. The last thing I remember seeing was a blurry ceiling.

I woke up in a hospital bed, a nurse smiled at me. "Olivia --- it's okay you just fainted, you were under a lot of stressed and had a panic attack" she explained.

I blinked two times and my vision became clear. The lady before me was gorgeous. She was short, probably get a few inches shorter than me. She was wearing a turquoise medical assistant gear.  She had her hair in a ponytail. She was Asian and she actually looked young to be working her.

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