t h i r t y - s e v e n

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I left the bathroom and went straight to the living room. But Jordan wasn't there she was gone. How long was I in that bathroom. "Um Jordan?" I shouted but there was no answer. What about our project I thought?

I heard noise It sounded like it was I'm coming from the hallway. I follow the noise and it led to a patio. I didn't even know Micheal had a patio. It was beautiful and it had a pool and a basketball hoop. Jordan was shooting a basketball into the hoop. She didn't miss any of the shots. She looked at peace. She was really good at too. I sat down on one of the chairs and watched her. Every time she made a shot she seemed more relaxed.

"Your really good," I told her. She turned to face me but still shot the ball. In went right in the hoop. "Oh my god you can shot without even looking," I said amazed. She dribbled the ball and did some cool thing when she put the ball between her legs. Whatever it was, it was turning me on, her alone playing ball was already making me moist.

I wish Brooklyn played a sport, I've never been with a sporty girl before, there something about watching Jordan play ball. "Sorry I ran off," I told her. She continued playing ball. "It's cool don't worry about it I'm kind of happy you did I haven't played ball in a while, I'm gonna start sucking at it" she frowned. "No you're amazing trust me," I told her.

She did this shyly smile that was the cutest thing I've ever seen. The more I talked to her the more I felt like I could trust her. "Can I ask you for a favor."

"Yes anything you want," she said eagerly. "I have to meet someone tomorrow and I'm not sure how to get there and I was wondering if you could take me," I asked her. She nodded, "oh yeah of course," she said disappointedly. I walked closer to her, "Are you expecting something else?" I asked. She faced the basketball hoop, "nope" she said making another shot.

I went after the ball, and Jordan smiled at me. "We're playing defense," she told me. I smirked at her. I dribbled the ball and she tried to snatch the ball. But I throw the ball between her legs and went after it. I made a shot.

"Nothing but net," I said. After I said it I froze, "Woah deja vu" I said out loud. Jordan walked over to me. Imagines appeared in my bed. We were in some kind of gym playing ball. I was wearing a red crop top with the number 23 on it.

Images were going by fats and I noticed that's I was only wearing red underwear in these images. Jordan was standing in front of me. I walked away and sat down at the pool area. "Are you okay?" she asked.

I nodded, the images went away and my head stopped hurting. "Maybe we should just chill it with the basketball for now," Jordan said. I nodded and Jordan eyeballed the pool, "how about the pool" she said seductively.

Jordan removed her shirt exposing her bra, I stared at her beast and she gave me a smirk. She slowly removes her bottoms staring me dead in my eyes. I squinted at her maybe it was my imagination because it felt like she was flirting with me. She jumped into the water, her slashes hitting me.

I stared at the water, where was she? I hope she didn't drown I can't swim. I leaned forward and her head popped up. She was smiling, I rolled my eyes that's not funny I thought she was dead and how was I suppose to explain to Micheal that he girlfriend died and I couldn't save her.

"Come on," she said slashing me. "No," I told her. She frowned at me, "why not please" she begged. I rolled my eyes, I'm not getting in the pool who knows how deep that. I shook my head, "why?" she asked. I couldn't tell her I didn't know how to swim that would be embarrassing. She got out the water and sat at the edge with me.

"Your no fun," she said. I sighed deeply I wanted to say whatever but instead I just remained quiet. She moved closer to me. I turned around to face her. She went behind me and pushed me in.

I started panicking, "I can't swim" was the last thing I shouted before I fell in. My eyes were shut, I couldn't open them. I didn't know how to. I've seen people do it in the movies and in real life but I couldn't. I tried to force myself to open them but they wouldn't open. I was panicking and I felt my body fall deeper into the water. I was running out of the air, I couldn't hold my breath long.

My lungs were burning they were begging for oxygen. I felt a tug around my waist. Eyes still closed I grabbed on to the figure and held tight. We moved up and I felt legs kicking up. We were finally out of the water and I felt the sun on my face. I opened my eyes.

"I'm so sorry" Jordan was saying. I wanted to hit her but I was scared I let go of her. "How deep is this damn pool" I shouted. "I don't know," she told me. "Please don't let go" I begged her. She held on to me. "I won't I promise I'm sorry," she told me. I stared into her eyes. For once I felt like I could read her and she looked generally considered. Like she was afraid to hurt me.

"I hate pools" I whispered. She leaned her head on top of mine and I actually felt safe with her. We were in the middle of the pool. I wanted to ask her to take me to the edge at least that way I could be back to the edge where I was safe.

I leaned my head on her neck her body was warm and it was distracting me from the cold water. She removed some of the hair from out of my face. My hair was getting curly now I could feel it.

I hated my natural curls but at the moment I was more worried about dying than her looking at the texture of my hair. "Your so pretty" I heard her say. "I love when your hair its natural and not straighten," she told me. I looked up at her. She was serious no trace of humor or sarcasm.

She continued moving my hair from out my eyes. I could feel her breathing on me that's when I realized we were really close to each other. I could feel her heart against my chest and it was beating fast. Was she nervous or scared about everything that just happened? She started to lean in. My eyes just continued to widen, before I could eject she kissed me.

I know that if I yanked her off I would most likely drown again, but it was a risk I was willing to take. As I was about to yank her off, something in me froze. An image of us appeared in my mind. Jordan and I were kissing on a bed, I'm not sure who bed it was but we were making out and rubbing against each other.

I was on top of her and our hips were grinding on each other. The images felt so real I could feel myself getting moist. I started to kiss her back. Jordan held on to me but moved back. I don't know how she was swimming and hold on to me for dear life but she was. She leaned her back against the wall of the pool. I pulled her face into mine more.

She tugged on my hips and pressed our body's tighter so close that I could fell her cunt against mine. I sucked on her bottom lip giving myself a chance to catch my breath. She brought her lips back to mine and rubbed her tongue against mine. I moaned into her mouth. I've never felt like this when I kissed Brooklyn before. She moved my hips against hers and our cunts continued to rub against each other. She moved my hips back and forth each time pressing our cunts together. I stopped kissing her to suck on my bottom lip. "Por favor no pares" I moaned.

She started sucking my neck, I dug my nails into her lower back. I didn't want her to stop even those this all was so wrong I was with Brooklyn but, Brooklyn can never make me feel like this... Never

Jordan tugged on to my hips harder and was crashing my hips into hers. Her nails were digging into my hips and I let out a moan of pleasure and pain. "Don't stop" I begged her. Our hips were in sync together, picking up the pace together. Each trust getting faster and faster, I could feel myself about to finish.

I closed my eyes and bit hard on my lip as I came. My body jerked and Jordan let out a moan. Her grip loosened from my hips and we were both panting heavily. "This isn't...the first time.. we've.. done that" I said catching my breath. Jordan grip was loose but she was still holding on to me tight she was speechless and that's when I knew I was right.

I was cheating on Brooklyn. Apparently with two girls, not just one. I was disgusted with myself. "Let go I want to get out the water," I told her. She let me go and I pulled my body up and sat on the edge.

"This isn't our first time we're together," she told me. I remained silent, "excuse me," I asked. "The first time we did that was in my room, well technically ours since your staying with us," she told me. The image appeared in my head again. "Wait wait hold on," I said my head burning. She hopped out the pool, "I'm sorry I'm sorry" she panicked. "I know I shouldn't be telling you this but it's because I think I'm in love with you Liv I never felt this way about anyone before, I love you so much and I know you're in love with me too," she said.

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