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I was in my room laying in my bed when I saw my door open. My mother stood there waiting for me to acknowledge her but I remained quiet. "Jordan I'm going to work, don't even try anything Chris will be home soon" she closed the door.

"What could I possibly try" I mumbled. I got off my bed walked to my bathroom, I stared at my reflection.

Can you tell I'm dead inside?

God, I look worse then I feel. I grabbed my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. I really miss Liv.

My doorbell ringed, did Chris forget his keys again. I rolled my eyes and walked to the front door.

"Who is it?"

"I looked through the peephole, "no way" I opened the door. "Micheal, what are you doing here?" He was wearing a black hoodie and some plan grey sweats.

"I need to talk to you asap, can I come in?" he asked. I shook my head, I want to let him in. Micheal is a friend, he has put with up my attitude and he has proven his loyalty to my sister but my mom said Chris is coming home soon. I didn't want to push my luck.


"I would invite you but I'm already in so much trouble my mother hates me right now," I said taking in deep breaths. Micheal smirked, "I think thats a little melodramatic." "It's not okay she thinks Liv's turning me gay and my mother is extremely homophobic" I I explained. "I mean I don't really know what's going on you and Liv, you never really told me anything," he said. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I've been in the dark about all of this" he began. "I was just supposed to give you the letters thats all, I wasn't supposed to take in Liv or get you both arrested"

"Woah it's not your fault that we got arrested it's my fault," I told him.

"How is it your fault?" he questioned. I sighed, I really didn't feel like telling him about my crazy possessive ex-boyfriend. "Liv told me that Scott was abusive and that I couldn't trust him, but I didn't believe her and that's why she went to stay with you" I sighed.

"I'm still not getting it" he squinted. I shrugged my shoulders. "There's nothing else to say I didn't trust her and I kicked her out"

"Yeah I know, what I mean is why didn't you trust her" he questioned. I shook my head, "honestly this is all too much to explain" I said not looking him in his eyes. "How about you let me in I'll make some hot chocolate and we can talk about it.

I stared at him, hot chocolate sounded good and being near a friend is probably all I need right now. "Fine, but just for a second because Chris is coming home and I can't have any guest over" I said closing the door behind him.

He went straight to the kitchen, "I hope you have marshmallows, hot chocolate isn't the same without it" he admitted. I agreed with him at sat down at the table and watched him.

"Okay so back to you not trusting Liv?"

"I don't want to talk about that part" I frowned. "Seriously Jordan just tell me what happened you literally the most stubborn person I met, even when we first met and I gave you the letter, so damn stubborn" he said taking off his hoodie.

The v-shirt he was wearing was so tight against this chest it really showed off how wide his shoulders are, How is it possible Micheal with or without a shirt his body still looks good. I never see him working out how is he so fit?

"You're doing it again," he said pouring the chocolate mix into the mugs. "Doing what I said staring at his arms. "Checking my body out," he said.

I blinked, "wait again?" He added the marshmallows in. "Yes your always checking me out when my shirts off so I figured if I wear a shirt then you wouldn't have anything to stare at but guess I was wrong" he smirked.

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