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I stood up and walked closer to him. "The first day I meant you I thought you were hot and I was hoping to get some head from you" he bragged. I rolled my eyes, I don't have to remember him to know that I never liked him.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him. "I want to hurt you the way you hurt me" he glared. I stared at his bruised eye did I do that to him?

I know I'm one crazy ass bitch but I don't think I'm even crazy enough to do that.

"You took everything from me and you tried to steal Jordan from me," he said stepping closer.

My eyes widen, "Jordan?" I asked. "Yes I should have known something was up the day I saw you two holding hands at her house," he told me.

"Your smart Liv pretending you were straight to get closer to Jordan, and look at you, your so hot nobody would suspect your a les" he told me.

"Jordan's not gay, you're confusing her she does not love you and she never will," he told me. "Okayyyy," I said nonchalantly. He glared at me, "are you mocking me Liv, everything I've done to you, to that Indian guy you really want to underestimate what I'm capable of" he threatened. He was standing in front of me.

I don't know if you can smell fear but if you could, I'm damn sure he can smell it off of me. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder so easily. "Put me down you bastard!" I shouted at him. I punched his back with the sides of my fist. De ja vu struck me. I was in a basement and I was screaming at him to stop hurting someone but he was holding me back.

A bunch of guys was jumping some kid, wait that guy was at the hospital when I woke up.

Who is he? I started to grow a headache. He's voice popped up into my head, everything I've done to you, to that Indian guy you really want to underestimate what I'm capable of.

What the hell did I put myself into?The images flashed away and I realized that we were standing in front of a lake. "Stop I hollered. I tried to break free and slide off his shoulder but he kept a grip on me. Tears were running down my eyes. My fear of drowning started kicking in again. "Don't don't please" I begged.

He paused, he stood in front of the lake. "You're scared of the water," He said. I swallowed I could only see the back of his head but I knew he was smiling.

"Scott!!!" I heard Jordan's voice yell. He turned to face her. I smiled, relieved to hear her voice. I tried to break free. I got off his shoulder and landed on the floor. When I tried to get up. He held me by my waist. The back of my body was pressed against his stomach.

"I thought you left?" I said. "Something was off about this and I'm glad I came back" she glared at Scott.

"What the hell, do you think you're doing?" she asked Scott. He held his grip on my body. It was quiet. "Nothing," he said finally breaking the silence.

"Scott just lets her go, it's me your mad at not her," she told him. "I never wanted you to see me like this" Scott sighed deeply. "I need you,

I want you back Jordan" he begged. "I fucked up I can admit that" he began. Jordan scoffed, "you fucked my best friend and now she pregnant, Scott it's over move the fuck on" she spat.

Fucked her best friend what kind of soap opera shit I got myself into?! "Your not gay Jordan," he told her. She sucked her teeth. "You don't know anything about me Scott, you never did," she told him. "Oh but Liv does" he laughed.

She remained silent. "If I can't have you nobody can have you. I'm not losing you Jordan especially not to a bitch what will the guys think" he said. "They're gonna think you're a dyke Jordan you already dress like a damn dude" he explained.

I rolled my eyes, hearing his ignorance was infuriating me.

I know this was risky but I quickly tried to elbow him in the face, but my elbow made in contact with his chin. He groaned and but didn't loosen his grip instead he turned me around and slapped me so hard that I crashed to the floor.

My cheek scraped against the concrete floor. The warm liquid was running down my cheek.


People were screaming and some running. But nobody calling for help or trying to intervene. Typical! "Make one more fucking move," a male voice said. Scott looked up and I turned around. Micheal?

He had a phone in his hand. "I called the cops they're on there way if I was you I would leave now" he threatened.

"Who the fuck are you?" Scott said. "Somebody you don't want to cross I can promise you that," Micheal said his voice was stern. Scott ignored him and grabbed me by my hair and forced me up. He pulled out a knife or type of blade and held it towards my neck.

Jordan stood up and tried to run over. "Don't make any movements or I'll slit her throat. "I swear I'll do it," he said.

Jordan froze, and I faced Micheal the both didn't know what to do. Scott started backing up "wait" Jordan moved, and Scott pressed the knife against my throat. I could feel the sharp blades against my neck. cock backing the hammer

Blood was still running down my cheeks, I heard sirens approaching the park. "Don't follow us" Scott was saying keeping his grip on the blade and his other grip on me.

"Freeze" I heard a male voice behind him. Scott remained still, "let go of the girl," the voice said. Scott held his grip on me, "I will shoot" the man said. Scott remained still. I heard the sound of the gun reload. Scott dropped the blade and let go of me.

I quickly ran to Jordan and embraced her. I turned to face the man who saved my life. He was a tall Asian man wearing a black peacoat. He continued to aim his gun at Scott. Scott raised both of his hands in the air defeated.

Whenever seconds a bunch of cops entered the scene. "Everybody freeze," the told us. We all raised our hands like Scott. Two cops slammed me into the ground. A knee was pressed into my back. "I didn't anything" I pleaded. My cheek was once again pressed into the ground. I could hear Jordan telling the cops she was innocent.

Micheal was being handcuffed by one of the cops but he wasn't slammed against the ground like Jordan and I. This was bullshit. The man who saved me was handcuffing Scott.

"Get off of Jordan" Micheal was yelling at the cops that were arresting her. "She didn't do anything," he said trying to resist the cop that cuffed him. The cops pinning me finally brought me up to my feet. They were literally dragging me away from Jordan. "You have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

I starting ignoring my Miranda rights. Where are they taking Jordan and what's going to happen to her. I know how cops are these days. Some believe in police brutality and they'll hurt whatever minority they want as long as their job gets done I was thrown into the backseat.

How did my life become this, and what's going to happen to me when I get to the police station. Jordan, damn I hope she's okay. Scott, on the other hand, I hope he's psychotic ass gets locked up. 

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