t w e n t y - t h r e e

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I woke up extra early today because I wanted to walk to school with Ravi. I left my hair all curly and puffy just how Jordan likes it. When I woke up today she was acting kind of distant, I wanted to pry and ask her what's up but I figured to leave it alone. "I'll see you in school," I told her kissing her cheek.

I started to walk out the door, but I heard "Liv," she said so quietly it could have been a whisper. "Yes?"I asked.

"You would never lie or keep secrets from me right?" she asked. I wanted to ask her where the hell she got that from but I was more worried about what to tell her.

I wanted to tell her, yes but it would be a lie because I am keeping a secret from her. I'm keeping two secrets from here.

Ally and Scott...

I walked over to her. "I will always be honest with you Jordan," I told her. Technically it was a lie but I had to lie to her I didn't want her to think she couldn't trust me.

I would tell Jordan if Ravi wasn't involved in this bullshit. I would rather take the beating then Ravi. Jordan stared at me, "you swear?" she said holding up her pinky.

I swallowed hard, I don't believe in hell but if its real I'm pretty sure this will be on of the reasons why I go. I gave her my pinky and calmly said. "I swear" her face lit up and she pulled me into a kiss.

"I'll see you later" she shyly smiled. I nodded and walked out the door, I texted Ravi so he knew I was picking him up.

Ravi "needle dick"
Hey, I'm walking to your house make sure your ass is dressed and ready.

I locked my phone and listened to some pop music on my way there. When I arrived Ravi was outside his house. "Granny tits it's been too long" he greeted.

"Ditto cumbucket" I smirked at him. He responded by giving me the middle finger. I walked over to him and took a deep breath. Today was going to be a good day and I'm so glad I get to hang out with Ravi I really missed him.

Ravi raised an eyebrow at me. "I know that look," he said. I stared at him, "what look?" I asked. "You've been having sex," he said. My face burned, I wonder if it was turning red. "What makes you say that," I said beginning to walk.

"Just trust me I know the look, you weren't even gonna tell me, nice knowing where I stand" he mumbled. "I didn't think you cared" I shrugged. He sucked his teeth, "why wouldn't I want to hear about my best friend scissoring another girl" he said.

"Oh my god, are you getting off thinking about this," I asked. "No lie I'm gonna beat my dick to this later, but tell me," he said.

"Jordan is confused she doesn't even know what she wants, but she does kiss me so I guess everything's okay" I shrugged. "I don't care about that ya'll relationship, I wanna hear about the sex" he explained.

I wanted to give him all the details and bond over my sex life, but I started thinking about Jordan and how I've been lying to her this whole time.

"Ravi, I... I just don't know what to do" I frowned.

"I feel like a liar" I sighed. "Because you are a liar," he told me. I sighed, "I'm not letting Scott friends hurt you again," I told him. He smiled at me, "You can't fight my battles forever" he told me.

I placed my hands in my jacket pockets. "Ravi they will kill you, and you know it" I addressed. He shrugged, "I know but-"

"No buts, hopefully, Jordan will just break up with him and I won't ever have to tell her," I said. Ravi shook his head, "this shit brazy" he said. I rolled my eyes, "you and your damn lingo" I sucked my teeth.

"You understood so I shut the hell up" he joked. "Whatever," I said rolling my eyes. I actually missed him. We were almost to the school when he said "how my Kobes looking?" it took me a minute to remember the deal we made.

"Shit" I mumbled. He laughed, "You forgot," he said walking to our lockers. "No, I didn't I've just been busy there's so many girls and-"

"Just get the Kobes none of these girls are going to want to date me let alone sleep with me" he insisted. Before I could comment. Ally walked into the school, she was wearing one of her crop tops and was all over some guy.

"Isn't she fucking Scott?" Ravi told me. I nodded that is weird why is she all over another guy, "maybe it's so nobody starts assuming anything" I guess. "I mean I don't think all Scott friends knew about them just Brain," I said.

A few minutes later Jordan walked in, I gave her a wave and she walked over to us. "Hey Ravi" she greeted. Ravi's eyes shot open, " the first person to not say Robbie, I like you" he winked at her. "Hey Liv I need to speak to you about something in private" she mumbled.

"Right talk," Ravi said in air quotes. Jordan faced me, "wait does he..?" Ravi smiled big, "I know all about Y'all hook ups" he whispered. I expected her to get mad and start cursing at me but instead, she just said cool.

"Cool?" I asked. She shrugged, "Yeah so if were all three hanging out I won't have to hide anything at least I can be myself near him," she said. I'm glad Jordan was relaxed about all this maybe if she learned to accept herself near Ravi than she can with everyone else.

We heard a guy cursing, we all turned our heads and saw. Ally throwing up on the floor. "Ew get off" the guy said nearly pushing her. Ally tried to use him to lean on but he continued to shove her. She was losing her balance and she tried to lean on the lockers, once she felt it she leaned her back against it.


I rushed over to Ally's rescue, "Whoa you okay?" I asked her. She seemed annoyed, "Yes Jordan I'm fine I'm with a guy right now.." she huffed.

"where did he go?" she asked looking around. I sighed, "Ally he left he doesn't care about you," I told her. I took a deep breath before asking, "is he the father?" I whispered. Her face literally turned scarlet and she tried to get up. "No Jordan is that all you care about?" she spat. "I just want to make sure your okay" I assured her.

"Whatever," she said. "You vomiting that symptom is for two months" I whispered. "Wow, you really know your shit good for you" she spat. "Stop being a bitch to me I'm trying to help your sorry ass unlike these people" I shouted.

Ally faced down at me, "just tell me are you keeping the baby or not?" I asked her. She looked me in the eyes and said "Yes, I'm keeping it."

"Does the father know will you ever tell me who the father is?" I asked. She shook her head and started walking away. "I'll take that as a no," I said as she walked away. Just because Ally doesn't want to be my friend doesn't mean I'll stop treating her like one. My phone alert went off it was a text from Scott.

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