t w e n t y

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"Brian it's. it's not what it looks like" Jordan tried to assure him. Brian raised his hands, "I didn't see anything" he said leaving. Jordan stood up. "I got this, relax and join the party," I told her. "But..."

I left the balcony and entered the main room to the party. Brian was nowhere to be found. People were grinding and sweating all over each other. A guy came behind me and started dancing on me.

I groaned in frustration, he held on to my hips and started moving me. "Look your barking up the wrong tree," I told the guy. Ignoring me, he arched my back down and continued to grind on me.

"Yo Brian" I heard Scott yelled. I turned my head to the direction Scott was looking at. Bingo.

"Okay dude get off of me before you regret it" I warned him. He kept dancing on me, I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm and begin to twist it. I I turned around and saw him on his knees. "What did I say" twisting it harder. "Okay okay you got it" he hollered.

"I'm sorry I can't hear you," I said twisting, "you got it damn!" he hollered. I stop twisting and walked away. I caught up to Brain who was talking to Scott. If I was too late I swear Brain was going to regret it.

"Brian can we talk?" I asked. Scott turned to face me. "Don't you have a man?" he told me. I crossed my arms, "don't you got a girl so why you need two" I reminded him. Brian continued drinking out his cup, avoiding eye contact from either of us.

"Brian we need to talk, now" I spat. He didn't protest and began to walk. Scott glared at me, I glared back and followed after Brian.We were outside the party. He stood in front of me silently. "Brian what you saw-" he cut me off and I bit down on my tongue.

"Look, Scott's my bro, and just because I like seeing stuff like that doesn't make it right" Brian explained. I scoffed, "but Scott's cheating on Jordan and you not telling her isn't right either" I pointed out. Brian squinted, "Yeah with a girl, she's cheating on him with you, not even a guy," he said.

I sighed deeply and walked over to him. "Jordan's confused, she doesn't know what she wants. I'm gay but Jordan's not, I kiss her that it was all me" I lied. "I came to her, I've been coming on to her, she just kissed me to see if she was bisexual , and she's not she very hetero" I continued lying.

"She doesn't like girls," I told him. "But I do, I like her and I want her happy and I'll be damned if you tell Scott," I told him. He stayed quiet. "In fact, I'll tell Kaz all about this, I think she'll love to know that her boyfriend encourages his best friend to be a cheater" I threatened. He shut his jaw.

Then opened it, "fine I won't tell Scott," he said walking away. "Duh," I mumbled. He stopped and turned around. "Next time don't make out somewhere public," he told me. I watched him walk away. I needed a smoke but I guess a drink will do.

I walked back inside the party and saw Jordan in the kitchen with Ally, Scott and some other people. I walked towards the kitchen. "Ally drink something," one of the guys said. Ally smiled and refused. "You haven't drunken anything all night" A girl mention. "Now you want to be a moralist" Scott mimicked.

"Leave her alone" Jordan blurted. I know Jordan's just protecting Ally's pregnancy secret but a large part of me wanted her exposed. "Guys it's fine just don't feel like it tonight," she said. A guy placed a drink in her hand. "Just one drink, unless there's something wrong" I provoked. Jordan glared at me. I tried not to face her, I know she's gonna hate me but Ally needs to be exposed.

"There's no problem," Ally said forcing a smile. She slowly raised the glass to her mouth. My eyes widen, she wouldn't do it there's no way she would. But she opened her mouth and that's when Jordan snatched the drink from her spilling it on herself and Ally. Ally jumped up and screamed. Jordan grabbed her hand, she glared at me as she passed by me. Jordan took her upstairs.


I took Ally to her room, she wiped down her outfit. "I can't believe you did that" she hollered. I faced her, she sounded angry but I can tell on her face that she was relieved. "I know," I told her. She looked at herself in the mirror. "Know?" she asked. "I know you're pregnant," I told her. She froze and slowly turned around. "What are you talking about" she smiled.

"Ally cut the act I know you're pregnant," I said. Ally frowned, "how," she asked. I took in a breath before walking over to her. "That day when I came over and stayed at your house, I found it in your trash." Ally face turned red, "you were going through my trash" she hissed.

"What no," I said trying to grab her hand. She snatched it out my hand, "that's invasion of privacy" she told me. "I would never do some shit like that to you" she spat. I raised my hands, "I wasn't snooping" I assured her.

"Yeah sure," she said crossing her arms. "who else knows, have you told anyone," she asked. I thought of Ally. "Of course not" I lied. She rolled her eyes, "I want you out" she told me. I squinted "out?"

"Yes like get out of my house" she ordered. I tried to walk over to her but she lifted her hand. "Just go," she said. I wanted to protest but instead, I walked out the door. I went downstairs surprised to see Liv still here. I walked right passed her and she followed after me.

"You leaving so early," she said while we were outside. She stopped, "Ally kicked me out" I mumbled. Liv sucked her teeth, "is she serious, you saved her ass out there" she reminded me."Yeah still can't believe you encouraged that" I told her. Liv grabbed my hand. "I didn't think she actually did it" Liv admitted.

"Of course she would," I told her. Liv has a reputation and she wouldn't let anything ruin that. I needed to drink and go home. I sighed deeply, "I need a drink" I mumbled. Liv pulled a drink out her bag. I smiled at her she never fails to amaze me.

"Let's go," I told her. We got a cab and talked the whole way home. When we got inside there's was still one more pizza box lift. Liv heated it up, I cracked opened the bottle. Once the pizza was heated up we sat on Liv's bed and ate.

"Today was too stressful, I need a smoke," Liv said. I grabbed a slice of pizza, "You gotta stop smoking that shit's not good for you" I told her. she shrugged, "fuck my lungs, nobody's gonna care if I die," she told me.

I frowned, "yes they will," I told her. She looked at me, "I handled the Brain situation" she told me. I smiled at her, "thanks really" I told her. "So about your feelings towards me?" Liv mentioned. I shyly smiled, "I was hoping you forgot about that" I admitted. Liv moved closer to me "Nope" she whispered.

"Honestly I'm confused, things with Scott aren't the same anymore" I complained. "He's doing his own thing and I'm doing mine" I stressed. "What about us?" she asked. I shrugged "I don't know yet, all I know is that I'm not fully straight" I admitted.

Liv just stared at me. I felt relieved saying out loud. "I don't know what I am. I think I'm bi-curious I just know I'm confused and I don't want to drag you into this" I told her. Liv stared at my lips, "it's fine I'm a big girl" she said before kissing me.

A/N: When I first started writing this book I couldn't think of a title, so I just put anything now that I'm twenty chapters into this story I finally know what the title should be. Later on tonight I will change the title so don't freak out when you see a new name. The cover will remain the same. Thanks again to all the readers who stop by and decided to read this book. You're amazing and I love you so much. Don't forget to vote 💜

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