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"How many times do I have to scream your name, Jordan!"

I removed my headphones out my ear. "What?"

"Get the damn door"

"Aren't you in the kitchen why do  I have to get it."

"If you don't answer the goddamn door!"

I rolled my eye and hoped out of bed. My mother was in the kitchen washing dishes. I mumbled under my breath as I walked to the door.  I turned the doorknob and saw Mrs. Miller, she was smiling at me.

"Can I come in?" she asked me. I shrugged, "I don't think thats a good idea, Mrs. Miller."

"The restraining order is against Scott not me," she said inviting herself in.  I closed the door behind her. Did Scott send his mother over to me, I adore Scott's mother she was such a sweet woman and she also brought tickets to my favorite games? Mrs. Miller always gave me the best seats. She's told me countless times that I'm her favorite out of all the girl's Scott dated.

"Jordan sweety don't you think this restraining order is a little melodramatic," she said calmly. I frowned at her. I just think its funny that everyone's defending Scott with no knowledge of what really happened. As much as I wanted to curse out his mom I held my tongue because I really do like Mrs. Miller.

"Scot and I  argued from time to time but he never ever put his hands on me," I told her. "So if you came all the way over here to convince me to drop the charges I won't, you don't understand how-"

"He stopped taking his pills," she said interrupting me. I cocked my head, "what does ADHD pills have to do with this. Then she slowly shook her head, "ADHD pills?"

"Scott doesn't have ADHD he's bipolar," she told me. I thought about the day I found Scott bottle of pills. He was freaking out when he saw them in my hand. He snatched it out my hand and told me he had ADHD.

"He stopped taking them when he found out that his father and I are getting a divorce." I shook my head, "how could you let this happen" my voice began to rise. "Aren't you suppose to watch him take the pills or something" I began to shout.

"Of course but I'm not with him every day to remind him to take his pills, I did notice a difference in his behavior but I thought it was because you broke up with him."

My mother came out of her room. "Mrs. Miller nice to see you," she told my mother. "Likewise, I just came to tell Jordan how proud I am of her. I know you have a graduation to go to" she said leaving.

"She's such a lovely woman," my mother told me. She clapped her hands. "Okay you need to shower and get ready you have to be there in an hour. I nodded. Scott bipolar?

I know it doesn't change what he did but it explains his behavior I knew Scott wasn't abusive, he became a different person. His mother needs to make sure he starts talking his pills again.

I arrived at graduation and saw a group of students in blue caps and gowns. I took my cell phone I didn't have any miss calls. Oh my god, where the hell is Ravi and Liv? I walked to the line and noticed Ally, she was joking with one of the guys from my math class. She noticed me, our eyes locked on each other. She rolled her eyes at me and continue joking with the guy.

My phone started ringing, it was Liv, I answered immediately. "Hey, where are you guys?"

"We just got out the car we on our way now."

"Okay hurry its about to start."

I hung up and waited for her on line a few minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, Scott was smiling at me. I jumped, he was wearing his gown and his hair was messy. He had bags under his eyes.

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