t w e n t y - f o u r

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A part of me didn't want to open it but he was technically my boyfriend still so I opened it. He wanted me to come see him at work after school. I honestly didn't want to go, he's been distant.. so why does he want to see me now.

Maybe it was something important he wanted to talk to me about, or maybe he wants to apologize for being distant. I sighed deeply and sent him an "okay."

After school, I took the bus to Scott job every second I walked into the building I regretted coming here. I saw Dexter at the first desk. "Hey, Jordan are you here to play ball again? where's your sexy friend?" he asked me.

I groaned and leaned my elbows on his desk. "She's gay Dexter let it go," I told him. He smiled confidently and said, "I think I can change that," he told me. I was about to insult him when I felt an embrace from behind.

"Thanks for coming to visit me at work," Scott said. I smiled and turned around to see him. He was wearing one his uniform which was just a shirt with the budding's name on it and his basketball dark blue shorts.

He was wearing his Kobes, which was one of my favorite sneakers. "Baby?" he said getting my attention. I shyly smiled at him, "sorry you just look nice today and you know I love those sneakers" I told him.

He looked down at his sneakers, "you want me to buy you a pair" he asked. I shook my head quickly, "nah its okay really" I assured him. But he just shook his head and said he insisted. "But seriously thanks for coming" he repeated.

"Yeah of course," I told him. "I get off in a couple of minutes I want to take you out," he told me. Oh, thats why he wanted me to come over because of that.

I assumed he wanted to talk about something important, he never takes me out on dates anymore. But still a date sounds nice and all

I shut my jaw, I was going to politely turn him down but Dexter called for his attention. "I'll be right back," he said kissing my cheek.

I watched him leave and he started talking to Dexter. "Just wait here for me please we'll be right back," he said leaving with Dexter. I sighed deeply, I really didn't want to be here but I sat down on the bench next to his bag.

His phone went off. I ignored it and decided to open my own phone and start playing piano tiles. I haven't played this in a while and I'm pretty sure I sucked now.

I started playing and I actually wasn't that bad I got to 150 but lost because he's text alerts kept going off. I couldn't concentrate on the game so I grabbed his phone to put it on vibrate.

But when I was about to put it on vibrate I noticed he had two missed calls from Ally and four text messages from Ally.

Why was he texting Ally they hate each other. I opened his phone, luckily I knew he's password. I clicked on Ally's name. I scrolled up and noticed that they message each other every fucking day.

Why is Ally talking to Scott every fucking day? I looked up to make sure nobody saw me with his phone. I took his phone and went into the women's bathroom. I ran into a stall and locked it. I opened the phone back up and looked at Ally's  messages.

Ally: Scott!!???

Ally: Babeeeeee

Ally: I miss you 😘

Ally: ugh your probably at work message me when your out, I want you to come over tonight

My heart literally sunk, how long as this be going on. I scrolled at looked at their history, I saw meeting times, hook up dates, and heart emojis.

Tears began to fall out my eyes, they've been hooking up this whole time, fucking Jezebel! I was about to lock the phone when I saw Liv's name. I continued to read the conversation.

Scott: Nah, she promised to keep it on the d.l which she has so far.

Ally: I hate that fucking toothpick

Scott: I know baby, just let me handle this okay?

Ally: alright babe but are you sure we can trust her??

Scott: Baby she's on our side she promise not to say anything.

That's when the tears wouldn't stop, tears continued to fall out, no matter how many times I wiped them away others kept coming out. Liv knew about this the whole time and she didn't even tell me. She looked me dead in my eyes and swore she wasn't keeping anything from me.  I sat down on the bathroom floor and cried, I don't know how long I was in there.

After being in the bathroom for who knows how long, I decided to wash my face, I splashed the cold water on my face and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I felt horrible and I felt like shit.

I dried off my face and walked out the bathroom. Scott was walking out the gym with Dexter and a couple of his friends from school.

"Hey baby" he said smiling at me. I wanted to be strong I did, but those lips have been on Ally and I wasn't his baby, he called Ally that too. I don't know what came over me but before I knew it I slapped Scott so hard that it left echoes.

Scott held his cheek, he turned his face to look at me again and I slapped again twice as hard as I did the first time. A few chuckles came out of his friends.

"You son of a bitch," I said hitting him. Scott tried to block my attacks but I kept hitting him and grabbing on his jersey.

"I hate you" I hollered at him. "Baby what's going on. Stop it" he said trying to hold me. But I shoved him off. "Don't you ever touch me again" I said.

"I picked up his phone and through it at him. "I'm not your baby. By the way, Ally's waiting for you, for your daily hook up" I said walking away. I paused and walked back over to him.

"Congratulations, by the way your a father," I told him. He's eyes widen. He let out a sound that, I couldn't make it out it was more of a noise then a word. "Ally's pregnant and she's keeping the baby," I told him.

"I hope it was worth it," I said walking away.

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