t h i r t y - t h r e e

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I literally stood there frozen, I've never felt this way before. It was like I was paralyzed, everything was happening so fast and I was absorbing it all in. My eyes lay to Liv's body on the floor. She wasn't moving but the side of her head was bleeding.

Scott was screaming in my face, he face was red and his arms were moving all over the place. His hands went on his hair and sometimes he was pointing his fingers in my face.




"Bitch look at me!!" He said grabbing my face. "How dare you do this to me" he squeezed, still paralyzed I just stated back at him.

What was he going to do hit me? He raised his other hand whatever he was about to do there was nothing I could do about it. My feet were stuck to the floor and the rest of the body didn't make any effort to move either.

His hand was inches from face, but before he was able to make contact to my cheek, Scott was punched in the back of the head.

I flinched, and my eyes made sense of what was happening. Micheal was punching Scott in the face. I wanted to open my mouth to say something, but that's when I saw two figures run to Liv.

Ravi and Brooklyn were shaking Liv's body but she still wasn't moving. I looked back at Micheal who continued to punch Scott in the face.

I looked back behind me and noticed Ravi and Brooklyn still next to Liv. "Livy!" Brooklyn hollered. "The side of her head is bleeding" she began to cry. "Liv.. liv.." Ravi panicked.

Everything was still happening fast everything was spinning and I was getting dizzy. I closed my eyes and tried to regain balance.

"Woah Jordan your okay" I heard a voice say. I slowly opened my eyes. "Jordan.. are you hurt?" Ravi was asking. But it sounded different it was like he was echoing.

"Stop. Micheal stop" Ravi was telling him. "He put his hands on Jordan I don't care how much she loves him he's disgusting," he told Ravi.

"She's still breathing we got to take her to the hospital," Brooklyn told Ravi. I looked at her closely she was feeling her pulse.

"Jordan I need you to focus," he told me. I tried to focus on him but everything was moving too fast for me.

"If you don't pull yourself together Liv's not gonna make it" Ravi explained. Liv?

Oh my god, everything was slowly registering, Liv hit her head she needs medical attention, we need Micheal to drive us.

I pulled on Micheal's shirt, "come on we need to take Liv to the hospital screw him" I said.

Micheal stood up and kicked him the stomach, then ran to Brooklyn to help pick Liv up. Micheal picked her up easily. "Come on," he said. We followed after him passing through the living room.

As soon as we got to the front door an Asian guy ran over to Micheal, he was obviously drunk, he started leaning on Micheal. Was he so drunk he couldn't realize there was a half unconscious girl in Michael's arms?

"This party is sick," he said, he quickly noticed Liv. "Woah what the hell happened to her," he asked.

"Look we gotta take her to the hospital watch over my house," Micheal said. "I can't stay late I told mom."Bro it's code nineteen" he warned him.

"Code nineteen, you better hope she's fine or moms gonna kill you," he said. Michael started yelling at him. "Will you both shut up! Liv is hurt stop being a little bitch and Micheal come on we have to go" Brooklyn told him. "Nice to see you too Brooklyn," the guy said. "Piss off, Ming lets go" she said trying to move him.

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