t w e n t y - e i g h t

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"I know this is a lot to take in," he told me. I glared at him, I really wanted to hate him but his shirt showed off those arms and I was mostly drooling over him instead of hating him. "Would you like something to drink" he offered.

I rolled my eyes, "look I'm not staying long so let's cut to the chase" I told him. He shrugged, "'alright go ahead," he told me.

"How are you responsible for my sister's death?" I asked him. He squinted, "um I'm not," he told me. Now I squinted, "what do you mean your not?" I asked him.

"I have reasons to believe that you are? even my mother-" he took a deep sigh. "You didn't read the letter," he told me. I shrugged, "no I didn't need to read the letter, I don't want to hear anything you have to say," I told him.

He slowly took in a breath before saying, "I didn't write you that letter Jordan, Amber did" he told me.

My head was spinning with questions, Amber wrote me a letter? But Amber's dead? I needed to sit down and I sat down at the table. The toaster shot up and he walked to it and removed two pieces of potato bread. "So I'm guessing you didn't read the letter" he began.

I nodded, he started buttering his bread. "So you just decided to come here and accusing me of murdering your sister without even opening the envelope first... yeah not a good plan," he said before taking a bite of his bread.

"Okay yeah, I fudge up" I admitted. He nodded with a mouth full of bread. "So my sister faked her death?" I asked him.

He frowned, "no tiger she's really gone," he told me. "Tiger?" I asked. He ignored me, "read that letter," he told me.

"Just tell me who did it? I'm pretty sure you read the letter" I told him. He frowned at me, he actually looked offended. "Of course I didn't read it, your sister just wanted me to mail it to you" he sighed.

"So you don't know who's to blame?" I asked. He stayed quiet. "Come on I came all the way over here dude tell me something" I yelled. He walked over to the table and sat down.

"Your sister told me who did it, you are aware that your sister died in a car accident right," he asked. I nodded, "but I'm pretty sure your mother left out that she was actually running away," he told me.

That took me by surprise, "Amber was running away without even telling me why would she do that I thought we were close I told her everything and... I thought she did the same" I began to cry.

Micheal looked uncomfortable, he looked like he was about to embrace me but he put his arm down instead, then he picked up his hand to put on my shoulder but decided not to do that either.

"Just read the letter," he said. I got up and started heading to the front door as I turned the knob a thought came to mind. "Wait why did Amber give you the letter, why did see trust you so much to keep it?" I asked him.

He sighed, "all these questions could be answered if you just read the damn letter?" he said impatiently. I wanted to give him a smart remark but he slammed the door in my face. I walked back to the car.

I debated if I should open the letter now in front of his house, but I realized that was a little creepy. Instead, I started driving my car, my stomach was growling so I decided to stop by this restaurant near my house. I grabbed the letter and sat at the first table I saw. I ordered my meal and waited.

The letter was facing me, I can't run from this letter forever, I started to tear open the letter. I was nervous t read it, but I deserve to know the truth. Amber left this for me there was something she obviously wanted me to know. I stared at the letter and took a deep breath.

Dear Jordan,

Hey by the time you read this I will be long gone all the way across the country, with Micheal. You don't him, but he's a really good friend of mine. I know you're probably upset that I just left without telling you. It was kind of a spare moment decision. But I wrote this letter because I wanted you to know the truth, I know our mother's going to cover up the real reason why I left.

Okay, you know how Chris and I never got along. That's because he would sexually harass me. He's been doing this since he married mom. I never really noticed it until I got into high school, he would hug me longer than he should of, or rub my legs when I was sitting down at the table. I didn't tell mom because I was afraid of what might happen, I know this happens to girls and sometimes the parents don't believe them.

That night after prom, when I came home you weren't home I think you were at Ally's house. Mom wasn't there either, she was working late I think. But Chris was there and he was questioning me and wondering why I came home late. I tried to walk to our room but he wouldn't let me move past him.

He grabbed me against the wall and forcibly kissed me. I tried fighting him off but he pinned me down and tried to remove my clothes. I thought he going to rape me but mom car pulled up into the driveway. Chris moved away from me and ran into the kitchen. My heart was still racing, I went to our room door and locked our door.

The next day when Chris ran out to the store, I told mom I was literally in tears and she told me that I was lying. She said she knew Chris and he wouldn't do that. I couldn't believe her, she was defending a man over her child. That night I packed up some clothes and went to Micheal's house, he could tell I was upset and knew I was crying.

He asked me what happened and I told him everything. I'm in his room right now writing this letter, I know you and mom think I've been sleeping over at one of my female friend's house, but really Micheal and I are running away together. One day I'll come back and visit you but I can't look at mom or Chris right now. I love you and I'll see you soon sis.

P.S I'm sorry for leaving you but I had to get out of there for my own safety.

Love Amber

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