t w e l v e

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I heard a knock on the door, "Jordan, I'm sorry" Ally said. The door handle turned and I ran the door and slammed the door shut. I leaned my back against the door. "Don't come in I'm in the shower" I shouted. I quickly locked the door, then I tossed the pregnancy test back in the garbage and covered it with some tissue.

The banging continued, "so what we've both seen each other naked before" she protested. I quickly started taking off all my clothes.

fuck. fuck. fuck

I kicked off my sneakers and pulled down my pants. "Jordan open the door before I get the key" she threatened. Fuck my whole life. Next were my sweats and finally got them off, and the door knob turned. I quickly got in the shower and got hit with freezing water. I held back a yelp and tried to control my breathing.

"Jordy I'm so sorry, I had no idea something happened to you at that party," she said. I stared at the curtains and watched her body outline. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked. I glared at her outline, that's what I would like to know.

"I don't know I was embarrassed and I didn't want anyone to know" I explained. Ally figured moved and she sat on the toilet and faced the shower. "Jordy I'm your best friend you're supposed to tell me everything, I tell you everything" she explained.

I held back a yelp, not only did I want to scream because I was freezing and most likely gonna freeze to death, but this bitch had some nerve about honesty. "You're right Ally, you wouldn't hide anything like this from me?" I challenged.

"Of course not, I tell you everything, fucking being embarrassed" she pointed out. This bitch, it took a lot out of me to not to expose her. "Just remember you can tell me anything," she said exiting out the door.

"Remember you can tell me anything" I mocked. I grabbed the handle and turned the water off. Ally was someone I could always talk to, guess I was wrong.

Amber was sitting on her side of the room, doing some math homework. I took a breath before I walked over to her. She looked up at me and smiled, "hey baby sis." "Amber, I need to talk to about something," I said. Amber smiled faded and I could tell she noticed something was wrong with me. She moved over and I sat down.

"Sis, are you okay?" she asked. I nodded but I stared at my hands. "I need to ask you something but just between you and me, I don't want mom or Chris knowing," I told her. She placed her hands over mine, "Jor, I can't promise anything until I know it's not life threatening" she explained.

"Scott and I were kissing at his house and one thing lead to another and but we didn't have sex, we did almost everything except sex," I told her. She nodded for me to continue, "I want to have sex with him but I wanted to go pick up condoms and get birth control with you" I asked.

Amber lifted my face and stare at me. "Jordan are you doing this because you want to have sex or because you feel like you need to for him," Amber asked. I stared at my beautiful sister, I always wanted to be like her she was prettier, skinnier, darker, and just plain perfect.

"No, I'm doing this for me, not him I love him Amber and he would never do anything to hurt me," I told her. Amber smiled back at me, "okay let's go" she said getting up. My jaw dropped, "seriously we can go?" I asked. She put on her jean jacket, "yeah come on" she said heading for the door.

I could tell Amber everything and but when she-

Jordan I ordered pizza come on" Ally yelled. I got out the shower and began to dry myself off. I wanted to confront Ally about the pregnancy test but if she didn't tell me it probably means she's hiding something from me if I wanted to bust her, I needed to get all my facts first.


I haven't seen Jordan in a week. It was obvious she didn't want to talk to me. I can't believe I screwed things with Jordan. Ravi was talking to me about something but I was ignoring everything he was saying and just nodded my head every time he paused.

We were in the hallway at my locker. I was leaning on my locker staring at the entrance. Kaz walked through it with Brian linking arms. She was wearing her hijab this time. She noticed me and waved at me.

I rolled my eyes and faced Ravi. Ravi looked back and forth at us. I looked at her with the corner of my eye, she gave up and walked away with Brian.

"Damn her ass is fat," Ravi said. We both watched her walked away. I rolled my eyes, "yeah I know" I mumbled. "Shit," he said still staring. "Okay okay we get it needle dick," I said rolling my eyes.

"Needle dick? nowhere near beloved, unless you want to test your theory" he joked.

I made a fake gagging noise, he laughed,"but seriously was all that about?" he asked me. I shrugged, "she's been acting fake these days," I told him.

"You guys were friends?" he asked. I shook my head, "to her but to me, it was something more" I frowned. Ravi sighed deeply, "look you gotta stop crushing on these straight girls" he explained.

I thought about my ex, "yeah for some reason I always fall for the people I can't have" I mumbled. "Liv" I heard Jordan call from across the hall.

She was with that brunette girl that drives Jordan to school. Jordan was wearing some high top sneakers, pink sweats, and a Nike pullover hoodie. She said something to the girl, the brunette rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Liv, I need you," Jordan said running to me. I smiled, she needed me, if only she knew how bad I needed her, how bad I missed her. "Jordan I'm so sorry I didn't-" "yeah yeah it's fine come on," she said grabbing my hand. My cheeks turned red but I followed her. I looked back at Ravi. He made kissy noises, which made me more nervous.

She dragged me into the janitor's locker. Kinda of a cliche place to kiss. I swallowed and she smiled at me. I closed my eyes and waited, "What are you doing open your eyes" she said. I opened them and looked back at her.

"I think you wanted to-" this I shut my mouth. "Wanted to what?" she asked me. I kept my mouth closed. She paused and looked at out surroundings. She backed up and looked disgusted.

"Wait did you think I was gonna kiss you in here or something," she asked. I began to speak but I couldn't think of a reasonable lie so I just laughed. Jordan tried to hold it in but she laughed too. "Ravi wishes" I joked. Jordan cocked her head confused, "Ravi's the Indian guy I was just with" I explained.

So, Jordan wasn't planning on kissing me, I guess she was totally over that kiss. A part of me was hurt by this especially since she laughed back. Before this couldn't get any more painful I changed the subject. "Listen, its smells like a monkey's ass in here could you speed this up"I urged her.

She agreed and whispered, "listen I found a pregnancy test in Ally's bathroom," she told me. I squinted my eyes trying to remember who Ally was. "Who's that again" she rolled her eyes. "The cute brunette girl that drives us to school sometimes," she told me. Oh, the girl that's sounds familiar every time she speaks. I nodded, yeah I remember her" I said.

I blinked twice before saying. "Not surprised she fucks anything that walks" I pointed out. Jordan whispered, "but she was telling me how I'm not telling her shit and she's fucking pregnant."

I shrugged, "then tell her about it, why are you telling me?" Jordan shook her head and turned around. I stared at her but until she turned back around to face me. "I don't know, I just kinda trust you" she admitted. A smile spread across my face. "But you just met me" I reminded her. She nodded and shrugged before saying, "you were there for me when the two people I trusted the most wasn't there."

"I just don't understand, what's going on. I'm losing connection with everyone I care about, first my boyfriend and now my best friend" she said. "And then I couldn't sleep with Scott because every time he touches me I get those flashes," she said crying.

I swallowed, oh damn she's getting emotional. I walked over to her and slowly I rubbed her back, "it's all gonna to work out" I lied. Jordan's life just gets worse and worse one Scott was cheating on her and two she actually caught him in the act.

Jordan just stared at me, "you call that comforting," she cried harder. "Look, you know I'm not into all that affectionate shit," I told her. She held me tighter and I leaned my head oh hers I could stay like this for hours.

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