t h i r t y - t w o

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I was looking at my reflection in the mirror, my blonde hair in curls and I was wearing black leggings with a pair of Jordans. I decided to wear a plain white shirt with a leather jacket. I didn't even know why kind of party this was but I know I wanted to get out of this house.

I grabbed my phone and headed for the door, "going out" I shouted. I opened the front door and saw Scott standing before me. He had his hand up like he was about to knock on the door.

He frowned at me. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" he asked. I wanted to slam my head against a wall.

"This party-"

"A party dressed like that" he mumbled. I wanted to ask what was wrong with what I was wearing but he turned me around. "Your butt is too big to be wearing leggings you're not allowed to wear those without asking me first, understand."

I just nodded, "now who's party are we going to?" he asked me. "we?" I asked. He just stared at me like he was annoyed by my stupid questions. "Micheal," I told him.

He crossed his arms over his jean jacket. "A guy invited you to party and you were going to go without me do you like this guy?" he began to shout.

"What? of course not" I panicked. "Then why is this the first timeI'm hearing about him?" he shouted at me. I shrugged I didn't know what to say. "Come on we're going I want to meet this kid get in the damn car" he shouted at me.


There were so many people at this party all dry humping and making out with each other. Some of the girls were dressed really nice, like tight dresses, sexy leggings, and I'm over here wearing my converses, ripped jeans, and a crop top. My messy bun doesn't exactly help me either everyone had they're hair down.

"Enjoying the party?" Ravi said bringing me a soda. I shrugged, "not really I don't think I'm in the right mindset for all this," I told him. He nodded, I wish I could enjoy this but all I'm thinking about is how I'm going to leaving soon and how I made so many good friends here, especially Ravi.

He started searching the back of his head awkwardly, "why are you staring at me like that?" he asked me. "Nothing," I said opening my soda. Ravi watched everyone dancing, "there's a lot of hot girls here, have you danced with anyone?" he asked.

I shook my head, "it's not that easy, did you forgot I'm gay and I'm not sure who's gay, bi or etc" I told him. He shrugged, "for what I've seen in movies and heard from other people, girls danced with anyone guys, girls, or even a loser like me, it's not like they give a fuck who they're twerking on," he told me.

I rolled my eyes, "I highly doubt that" I told him. He ignored me and watched everyone dance. He cocked his head, "I kinda want to test out my theory" he smirked at me. I laughed, "don't get tased" I joked.

Ravi walked up to a girl, she was short and had piercings on her lips. She had that punk vibe that I liked. I was expecting Ravi to ask for her hand in a dance or some shit like that but instead, he wrapped his hands around her waist and started grinding dancing on her.

I was waiting for her to turn around and kick him in his nuts but instead, she started rubbing her ass on him. "Even Ravis having more fun than you," Brooklyn said. I turned and faced her.

"Jealous?" I asked. I pointed my head in the direction where Ravi was dancing. She let out a small laugh. "Eww no I was never interested in him, I just wanted to get a reaction from you" she admitted. I rolled my eyes.

"If you ever try to hurt Ravi again, I will hurt you worse" I threatened. She nodded at me. "There's a lot of hot girls at this party tonight" she began. I nodded "Yup," I told her. She took a deep breath and asked, "anyone you're interested in?"

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