t w e n t y - f i v e

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I walked out of Scott job, I felt so dirty he was kissing all over me and Ally. He was fucking her and trying to fuck me too. who knows maybe he was fucking us both at the same time, and Ally I knew she was a thot but I would never have expected her to fuck Scott.

Scott really didn't they hate each other. How did this even happen? my two favorite people in the whole world went behind my back like that.

This whole time they were sneaking around my back and they even got Liv to be on their side. Was Liv suppose to be a distraction so I wouldn't expect anything.

Does she even like me?

Was she just pretending to?

Was all that a ploy, did she not feel anything?

Is she even gay?

All these thoughts were running through my head, I don't know how long I was walking but my phone was vibrating like crazy. I was angry and I wanted to hurt someone, that someone was Ally.

I realized I was passing by Ally's house and I wanted nothing more but to drag her down the stairs by her hair, but she was pregnant and that wasn't fair of me to hurt the baby. Even though she's a bitch hurting a pregnant lady is just wrong.

I crossed my arms and continued to walk to my house. My step dad was in the kitchen cooking something. He turned around and told me something came in the mail for me. I squinted, "what?" I asked. He stopped cooking and turned around.

"I know your ass heard me" he spat. "Get the damn mail off the table" he swore. I wasn't in the mode for his bullshit today. I grabbed the mail and walked into my room. I looked at the address. It was from somebody named Micheal Chan.

I didn't know anyone named Micheal and honestly I wasn't worried about opening the mail. I placed the envelope on my dresser. "Later," I told the enveloped. I stared at Liv's bed, I wanted her out. I started opening her dresser throwing all her clothes on the floor. Her clothes, bags, everything was in a damn pile on the floor.

After I empty on the floor, nothing changed. I was still hurt and tears fall out of my eyes. I sat down on my bed.

"Jordan?" I heard my mom say. I didn't move I just stood there. I was facing the headboard of my bed and sitting at the end of my bed like a dog.

"Why are Oliva's clothes all over the floor?" she asked concerned. I stayed there quietly and continue to star at my headboard.

"Jordan," she said sitting next to me. "What's going on?" she asked me. "Scott's been cheating on me" I finally let out. She looked at me with sympathetic eyes and that made me cry even more.

My mom faced Liv's clothes. "With Oliva?" she asked. I shook my head, "she knew and didn't tell me" I cried harder. My mom jumped up, "let me get you some tissue" she said going to my desk.

She stopped, "what's this?" she lifted up the envelope I received. I turned around and shrugged. "I don't know mail from some some guy why," I said wiping my tears.

She cleared her throat, "no reason" she said putting the envelope into her pocket. "Whoa, I'm not blind I saw you mom" I said standing up.

She stayed quiet, "give me the letter" I asked. She held tight, "I don't want you talking to him" she told me. I paused, "why not?" I asked.

My mom sucked on her bottom lip, "I don't trust him not after-" she stopped. My eyes widen, what was she hiding from me, "what is it, mom" I asked.

She tried to hold back her tears, but they were running down her face. "I have reasons to believe that Micheal was involved in Amber's death" she told me. My eyes widen and my throat felt dry, I didn't know how to respond all I knew was that I literally felt my heart break in two.


I finished my last class and I was waiting for Jordan. I stood in front of the school for almost a half an hour. I called her phone but she didn't answer. Frustrated I decided to sit on the steps in front of my school.

I saw Ravi talking to someone in a car, the person had on a red hood. It must have been one of the juniors. I've never seen him talk to anyone other than me. Curiosity got the better of me and I walked closer to him. Ravi gave the guy some time of weird handshake.

"Hey" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around and saw Kaz. She was smiling so big like she just won a prize. Kaz was wearing a yellow hijab and a long black dress. The dress was so long I couldn't even tell what she was wearing on her feet or if she was even wearing anything on her feet.

"Hey," I said trying to force some type of happiness out of me. "Hey, I haven't seen you since the whole hospital thing-"

"What do you want," I said cutting her off. Kaz crossed her arms and then shrugged. I turned back around, Ravi was still talking to the person in the car.

"I want to know what happened to us... why we stopped being friends," she asked.

I wanted to slam my palm into my face but instead, I took a deep breath before I opened my mouth. Brian popped up and embraced her. "Hey.." he said awkwardly.

He must still be shy about keeping me and Jordan a secret. I turned around and saw Ravi hopping into the car.

"Shit! Brian can you give me a ride" I begged. Brian scratched his head. "Sorry-"

"Yes he can," Kaz said cutting him off. "Good come on we need to follow that car" I pointed the one Ravi was in. Brian groaned, and I literally ran to his car. I hopped into the front seat.

"Sorry, Kaz but I need to make sure that I see who's driving the car," I explained. She shrugged and went to the back seat.

"Thanks," I said sincerely. Brian got into the driver's seat and started the car. The car Ravi was in started driving.

"Hurry hurry!!" I shouted as I hit his arm. "Okay okay," he said following the car. We followed the car, slowly not trying to make it obvious we wee following them.

"Um, why are we doing this again?" Brian asked. I rolled my eyes, "because Ravi's been acting weird these days and I want to know what's up?" I said. Kaz nodded, "you think he's cheating," she said sympathetically.

A small laugh escaped Brian's mouth. "Doesn't matter if he is it's not like your being one hundred percent faithful" he spat.

I glared at him and told him don't go there he would seriously regret it. Kaz confused leaned closer to my seat. "What's going on here," she said annoyed.

Nothing we both said. She raised an eyebrow "don't seem like nothing" she said. She started yelling at Brian" and he started yelling at me. I wanted to bang my head against a window. I continued to tell them to shut up but now they were yelling at each other so loud they could barely hear me.

I felt a tap on my window. I looked up and saw a figure in a red hoodie, the top of the hood covered up most of the persons face. I swore and apparently that shut up Brain and Kaz.

"Liv why are you following us," a female voice said. Liv? this person knew me. I guess my confused face and silence made her realize I didn't know who she was. She removed her hoodie and my jaw dropped.

"Brooklyn" I whispered.

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