e l e v e n

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I stared at Liv and she looked directly at me, it was so quiet in the gym my basketball seemed extremely loud and my heart was pounding so loud I thought I could hear it. "That" Liv panicked, I pressed my eyebrows together confused I asked, "That?" She took a deep breath before she said. "At least he didn't do that" she mentioned. She swallowed and I could tell that excuse was bullshit, but Liv just kissed me, I know she just wanted this whole thing to end.

The gym doors opened and I backed away from Liv as fast as I could. A tall Indian guy came in. "Liv, I've been looking for you," he said walking up to her. I rolled my eyes, this girl has guys for days.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me" she mumbled, "It's real quick, and after I'm done you and Jordan can go back to making out with each other," he said. I gasped and Liv's face turned red.

I closed my eyes oh my god he saw, shit I can't have this dude going around telling people that. "Liv kissed me and I have a boyfriend" I pointed out. He turned to face me. "But you kissed back" he pointed out.

"Ravi, stop you're about to be blocked" she shouted. My head was spinning, so many thoughts going through my head, like what if he's not the only one that saw, what if he tells someone, what if Scott thinks I'm cheating on him" I shook my head. "No no no" I shouted. "Liv kissed me, it was all an accident, she was trying to show me what Scott could have done to that girl" I tried to explain.

Ravi lifted his hands surrendering, "relax you don't have to explain yourself to me, I'm not gonna tell-" I grabbed his shirt and stared him in the eyes. He was taller than me by a long shot. However, he was slim and kind of skinny. "You damn right you won't" I threatened.

Liv walked over to us. "Ravi's cool he won't tell" Liv explained. I took in a breath as if my life wasn't complicated enough I can't have people thinking I'm gay, hell fucking no.

I swallowed and closed my eyes, "I'm going to go" I said walking out the door. "Wait, Jordan can we talk about this" I heard Liv shout but I just continued to walk.


Ravi and I were at the dinner he talk me to the day we ran into each other in the rain. Ravi order food. I wasn't is the mood to eat so Ravi just got me a milkshake.

I was complaining to Ravi about how this is all my fault I'm the way who kissed Jordan. "She kissed back though" Ravi pointed out. "This is so awkward we share a room" I explained. Ravi shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe you're over thinking this" he tried to assure me.

"Right why am I even discussing this with you, you're a guy you're probably gonna jerk off this later," I said snatching his fries. He shrugged and took some fries. "Beating my meat did cross my mind but that's another story," he said.

"Gross," I said. He shrugged again and this time took my milkshake. I grabbed my milkshake back, "hell no I don't know where your mouths been" I told him.

"Sis, I'm single and I haven't had sex my whole life," he said. I eyeballed him, "don't believe that." He leaned back in his seat. "Believe it nobody wants me, I'm cursed to be a virgin forever," he said picking something off his red shirt.

Ravi was a decent guy, I guess and he did help me find Kaz. Who hasn't spoken to me since the incident. "I'm not sure I've ever told you this but thanks" I smiled. He squinted his eyes, "for what?" he asked. "Everything, helping me at the party and being my friend," I told him.

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