f o u r t y - t wo

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"Ravi bring your ass down here now" I begged. "Hold on sis, not that I'm happy you didn't call but I'm busy at the moment" he explained. I rolled my eyes and shouted into the phone. "Stop beating your meat for one second and pick me up this is important!"

"all that for what, I'm actually just playing fortnite sis" he said. "Fuck fortnite Ravi I'm sitting outside in front of Micheal's door. It's awkward as hell sitting on the ground, plus I was just arrested, come on" I told him. "Arrested? how did you.. cheating ass.. what? oh, shut your lying ass up Ziko!!! I swear I can't stand y'all lying ass mother fuckers stay lying" Ravi shouted.

"Ummm hello?" I said pressing the phone closer to my ear.

"Hold on Liv, shut up Ziko why did we even invite him to these parties he always cheating" Ravi explained. I heard some shuffling, and Ravi sounded far from the phone. Did he just put the phone down? I sucked my teeth, I'm going smack the shit out this kid.

"Ravi shut up and turned that damn game off you always yelling at the tv go read a damn book" I heard a female voice say. "why you stay on me?" he yelled. "Whatever I'm going out," she told him. "Shocker," he said sarcastically.

"At least I'm doing something with my life" she shouted. "Wait hold on I need a favor" I heard footsteps and whispering. "I'm coming okay stay there," he told me before hanging up.

After two hours of sitting on my ass, a white car finally pulled up in front of Micheal house. The car honked, I got up and grabbed my bags and walked to the car. There was an Indian woman in the driver seat, "umm-" "I'm Ravi's older sister he's too busy playing fortnite" she explained. "So he sent you instead?" I asked. She shrugged, "Better than being in the house listening to him yell at the screen" she laughed. I laughed with her, "your really pretty" she told me.

"Um thanks," I said opening the car door. "You must be Liv, I'm Gita" she said. I just stared at her, "Gee like geek without the k, and just tah.

"Gee tah.... Gita" she pronounced. "Got it" I assured her.

"Cool, you're hungry?" I nodded, "yes I have a huge craving for ham and cheese pastelitos" I cooed. She started the engine, "I know we just met but thats sexy" she told me. I squinted, "pastelitos are sexy?"

"No your accent" she beamed. My cheeks got hot, she is barking up the wrong tree. "Are you embarrassed how cute" she said driving off. "Wait, before we go eat can we stop somewhere?" I asked. "Where did you plan on going?"

"I wanted to check on Jordan but what if he mother's home. I'm already banned from that house. "You know what forget it," I said staring at the window. "Look if you want to stop somewhere its fine with me, I'm in no rush to go home believe me" she explained. I shook my head, "I can't even if I wanted I'm banned from there." I told her.

She had an impressed look on her face, "story of my life I've been banned from some many of my exes house" she laughed. I raised my eyebrows, "what are you like a stalker or something because-"

"No no it's a long story that rather not go into we just met after all" she winked at me. There she goes again is she flirting?

"Look, I don't know what pastelitos are but how about pizza?" she said. I nodded, "okay" I nodded. "Good"

"You sure you don't want to stop at the place?" she asked. I paused before saying, "Yeah let's just park a house away" I assured her. She nodded, "just give me the address."

The drive there was a little awkward I could tell she really wanted to start conversations with me but I just wanted to look at the window. I don't know this girl and I'm about to stay at a guy's house who I don't remember.

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