~ Chapter 1 ~

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*Edited: Re-reading this makes me cringe so hard! It's been a while so I thought I might as well edit it. This was the first story I ever wrote but it was extra cringe because I was only 13.*

This contains mentions of all sorts of abuse. I am fore warning you. If you are triggered by this, I advise you to not read this book.

(Ava's POV)

For as long as I can remember, me and Pete Wentz had always been friends; best friends at that. No matter what happened between us, we would always make up, even through the massive arguments we did have on occasion. We had known each other all our lives. Now, at 15, we were inseparable but we were complete polar opposites. He liked to go out and party, drink and all that kind of stuff whereas I liked to sit in my room and listen to music. Anyways, what I'm basically saying is that me and Pete are best friends and nothing could ever change that. Or so I thought.....

Beep! Beep! Beep! I was woken up when my horrid alarm was making an awful racket. It was 6 am and I had to get up for school but I couldn't be bothered to go. I hit my hand against the alarm to make the noise stop but it didn't stop. It kept making that dreaded noise that no teenager wants to hear. I tried hitting again and it still wouldn't shut up so I threw it across my tiny bedroom. The cord and the alarm itself flew across the room and flew straight into the corner, which finally made it stop. 5 more minutes I thought as I snuggled deeper under the warm covers.

"GET UP YOU LAZY COW!" I heard a evil voice shout from across the hallway. It was Sue, my evil cow of a stepmother. I rolled back over and tried to ignore her annoyingly shrill voice. That's when I heard stomping and it gradually got louder and louder. My bedroom door swung open and my bed covers got dragged off my tired and weak body.

"I really need a lock on that door..." I mumbled into my pillow.

"GET UP AVA! YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE YOU STUPID COW!" She screamed, causing me to slowly get up. I dramatically yawned, just to annoy her. I trudged into the bathroom and I heard a sigh of exasperation from Sue. I rolled my eyes and ignored her.

More than Friends ~ Pete Wentz fanfic {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now