Chapter 5

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~Ava's POV~

"You really think that, Ava ?" He asked, gobsmacked. I just simply nodded, taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"Jesus Pete. It's really obvious isn't it ? She's after Nathan Jones, can't you tell ?" I said, making it sound obvious.

"I can't believe you would say that ? You're supposed to be my best friend !" He exclaimed.

"Well I'm sorry. I waited for you this morning. You were with her. I know it sounds stupid but you and her sat in our booth. In our special booth." I said, getting irritated. Pete stood up.

"You know what ? Jasmina was right. I shouldn't be friends with you." He said walking away.

"Maybe we shouldn't then. You're just an arse hole Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III. Don't come crying to me when everything goes wrong." I shouted across the cafeteria. People just stared. I rolled my eyes and carried on eating.

~After school~

I was allowed to leave school earlier so I went to Pete's house. Thankfully Dale and Peter weren't there. I ran upstairs into the room I slept in, I packed away all my clothes and shoes into a bag. I wrote a thank you note to Dale and Peter and left. I had no where to go. I wandered around town for a bit. That's when it hit me. I had one more friend. Joe. I made my way down to Joe's house. I knocked on the door.

"Oh hey Ava. Are you okay ?" He asked. I shook my head no. I started crying. God, I'm such a baby.

"Its okay." He said hugging me. We pulled away and he invited me inside. I then explained everything. By everything, I mean my suicide attempt and how upset I was.

~Pete's POV~

I can't believe Ava said that ! Surely Jasmina wasn't using me. Anyway, I walked over to the table where Jasmina and her friends were sat.

"Hey baby." She said, sweetly. Sickly sweet. I just smiled.

"You did the right thing." She said. "She is nothing but trouble." She said. Then I saw her staring lovingly at Nathan Jones. Ava was right. No. Ava was wrong. I need to stop thinking of Ava. But I can't. I love her. I looked at Ava. She was all alone. I felt really bad. I was soon snapped out of my day dream.

"Babe, did you hear that ?" Jasmina said, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry what ?" I asked in a daze.

"There's a party and we are going." She said.

"Okay cool. When is it ?" I asked, not really paying attention to her or her friends.

"Tomorrow." She replied. I nodded.

~After school~

I walked home with Jasmina. It was weird not walking with Ava. She always made me smile. She would probably be telling me some story that would make me laugh. Jasmina, was more serious. When I dropped her home, I took a moment to think about what I had done. I walked into my house.

"MOM ! DAD ! I'M HOME !" I shouted. I walked through to the kitchen to see my dad comforting my mom. They turned to me and my dad looked disappointed. My mom, on the other hand, looked really angry at me.

"What have you done now, you stupid boy ?" Mom spat.

"What are you on about ?" I asked. Mom thrusted a piece of paper towards me. It read:

Dear Dale and Peter,
Thank you so much for letting me stay here. I really appreciate it.
I have decided to leave because Pete has made it clear that I am
Not welcome to stay here anymore, seeing as his girlfriend, who
May I add, has been picking on me and he knows it. I'm not sure
Where I am going to go or stay. I have made my bed and tidied my
So again, thank you so much. I will try and return the favour some day.
Lots of Love,
Ava xxxx

I noticed tear stains in the paper.

"Care to explain yourself young man ?" Dad asked.

"Okay okay. I snapped at her and told her that Jasmina was right and that I shouldn't be friends with her." I replied.


"Sh...she said that Jasmina was using me for popularity." I replied.

"Y'know, she has a point." My dad replied.

"I thought you liked her ?" I said, referring to Jasmina.
They both shook their heads.

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III you are grounded for 6 weeks. Go to your room. No going out. No texting." Mom said, sternly.

"But there's a party." I said.

"Nope. Now do as your mother told you." Dad said. I stomped up into my room. I threw myself on to my bed. How could I be so stupid ?

~Ava's POV~

"He really did that ?" Joe said shocked. I nodded.

"Why didn't you come and find me ?" He asked.

"I guess I just wanted to be alone." I replied.

"I understand. You can stay here for as long as you like if you want ?" He said.

"I don't want to be a burden to you or your parents." I replied. He shook his head.

"It'll be fine." He said.

"Thanks Joe." I smiled.

"Let's get your room ready." He said, going upstairs. I nodded and followed him.

After I had unpacked my things, I heard the front door open.

"That's probably my dad." Joe said. He walked downstairs. I followed him.

"Hey dad." Joe said.

"Hey son, hey Ava." He said. I waved at him.

"Ava's staying with us for a while. If that is okay ?" Joe said.

"Of course it is !" He said.

"Thanks." I said.

After tea, I just wanted to sleep. I thanked Joe's parents for letting me stay. I walked upstairs, got changed and brushed my teeth. Then I crawled into bed. I cried myself to sleep that night. Why me ? Why was it always me ?
I closed my eyes and drifted off.

~1037 words. Sorry this chapter was short. The next one will be better I promise. Stay alive |-/~

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