Chapter 11

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~Ava's POV~

After a really hard maths lesson and a bad Spanish lesson, which included me getting abusive words said to me, it was finally lunch time. I went to our normal table with my food and sat on my own for a while. That's when Jasmina and 3 of her minions sat on the table.

"Hey Ava." Jasmina said, with a fake baby voice.

"What do you want ? To call me fat ? Ugly ? Worthless ? Because someone has already beat you to it." I spat.

"Nope. Just one word of advice. Stay away from my boyfriend." She hissed. I laughed.

"Number 1, that is 5 words. And number 2, I think you mean, ex boyfriend." I said.

"He still is my boyfriend. He never dumped me." She said.

"Um when he caught you kissing Nathan, I think he would've finished with you." I replied. She stood up, grabbed my tray of food and threw it all down my and poured my milkshake on to me head. Everyone in the canteen went silent and stared.

"Bitch." She hissed, walking away whilst her delinquents laughed. Just then, Pete came round the corner with Joe. He took one look at me and gasped.

"Princess, what happened ?" He asked, kneeling down in front of me. I started crying. He hugged me, not caring about the food or milkshake that I was covered in.

"Jasmina. She told me to stay away from you and she tipped my food down my shirt and dumped milkshake on to my head." I said, in between sobs. People were still staring.

"IT'S RUDE TO STARE." Joe shouted. Everyone turned back around, carrying on with their conversations.

"Hey, hey, hey. It'll be okay. How about I try and get permission to go home so you can calm down, yeah. I'll text my mom so she knows. When the school ask her, she'll agree. Sound like a plan ?" He said, looking at me straight into my eyes. I nodded.

"I wasn't even hungry anyways." I mumbled, standing up. Pete put his arm around my waist. He held me close and Joe followed behind us. He jogged to catch up with us.

Once we had reached the office, Pete wasted no time what so ever.

"Can I speak to Mr Holmes please, it's pretty urgent." He said quickly. The woman at the desk sighed.

"Take a seat." She said. We all sat down. Pete quickly whipped out his phone and texted his mom. Almost instantly, he got a reply. Joe hugged me for reassurance.

"It'll be okay." He said. I didn't really reply. I just grunted. It seemed to take forever before Mr Holmes came and spoke to us.

"Mr We... Pete, Miss Tellerman and Mr Trohman, how lovely to see you." He said sarcastically. He held his door open so we could walk in. We all sat down.

"What brings you here today ?" He said, fakely.

"Ava was humiliated in the school canteen today." Joe said, quickly.

"What happened now ?" He sighed.

"Milkshake was poured over my head and my food was thrown all over me." I said. He looked me up and down.

"I can see." He said.

"Well, are you going to do anything ?" Pete asked, desperately.

"I can't. Jasmina...." He started.

"Wait ? How did you know it was Jasmina ? I haven't even told you who it was." I said, suspiciously.

"I uh ...." He started.

"Did you plan this ?" Joe asked. He looked down.

"Time for lesson, off you go." He said quickly, opening the door. He shoved us out and slammed the door behind us.

"You know what, let's go home." Pete suggested. Me and Joe nodded. Pete text his mom to come pick us up.

We sat in student office for a little while, waiting upon the arrival of Dale. Then she appeared.

"C'mon you three." She said, signing us out. We all got into her car.

"What did you tell the person at reception ?" Pete asked.

"I told them that Ava had an appointment and you boys needed to go to a counselling session." Dale said.

"Dale, can you make me an appointment for my therapist please ?" I asked. She nodded, focusing on the road.

"Uh huh sure I will. Are you guys hungry ?" Dale asked. Joe and Pete nodded. I did slowly. I was starving but I didn't want to seem fat. She drove us to Chick Fil A. We ordered and sat in a booth. I sat in between Pete and Joe. Dale sat at the other side, facing us. The boys got up to use the bathroom half way through their meals. Dale grabbed my hand.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened ?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"Maybe later I will." I nodded. She nodded in response.

"I'm here for you. We all are." She said, trying to reassure me.

"Thanks." I said giving her a small smile. When the boys came back, they ate their food. I just picked at my food. I was starving but I didn't want to eat.

"You feeling okay, princess ?" Pete asked. I nodded and gave him a faint smile. He hugged me close.

"You're beautiful and perfect and don't let anyone tell you other wise." He mumbled into my ear. I sat up and slowly started eating. That's when I realised something. My life was worth something. I have an amazing boyfriend, an amazing best friend and people who loved me. Nothing could go wrong. But boy, was I wrong...

We arrived home and messed around. We watched movies, played video games. All the usual. At around 8:30pm, I had the urge to go for a walk.

"Hey, I'm going for a walk. Want to join me ?" I asked Pete and Joe. They exchanged looks.

"Yeah sure." Joe said, nodding. We all got our shoes on and coats.

"Mom ! We're going for a walk. We'll be back around 10 !" Pete shouted.

"Okay kids, have fun." She said. We walked out and closed the door behind us. We walked for a while, my hand in Pete's. We joked around and had a laugh. It was 9:15 and Joe had to go home. We walked him home and me and Pete carried on walking. I know it was a stupid idea, but we decided to take a short cut home, through the forest.

We were walking and I heard the crunch of a twig. I shot my head around, looking for an animal or whatever was out there.

"What was that ?" I asked. Pete shrugged. We then heard the crunching of leaves. We are in the middle of a forest, lost and something wants us. I looked around. I couldn't see anything, it was too dark to see the scene around me.

"Hello ?" Pete shouted. I hit him on the arm.

"Shh ! Don't draw attention to us !" I said, in a hushed voice. Another twig cracked.

"Stay calm." Pete said. Just as he said that, I heard running.

"We are fucked now." I said. I heard someone coming towards me, a pain in my head and Pete screaming to see if I was okay. Then, nothing........

~1218 words. Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I had a case of writers block. So I left you on a cliffhanger. What will happen next ?~

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