Chapter 13

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{I find this gif hilarious. Sorry}

~Ava's POV~

"YOU WERE WHAT ?" Dale and Peter exclaimed. Pete nodded.

"By Yasmin, Jasmina, Charlotte and Emily." I mumbled.

"Why ? What happened ?" Peter asked, sitting down. Dale did too. After Pete had explained everything, he said that we have to give a statement in. She was speechless.

"I- I don't know what to say I'm-" She began. Pete looked over at me. I wanted to cry so much.

"I think me and Ava need a rest." Pete finally said. Dale and Peter nodded.

"I think so too. You kids go upstairs and sleep or relax or something." Peter said. We nodded and walked upstairs and into Pete's room. I was getting changed and I looked in the mirror. Bruises. My whole body was covered in bruises. I didn't like it. A few scars were still not fully healed on my arms but I was more focused on my bruises. Dale had put some disinfectant on the cut on my face. It stung like a bitch but the pain was numbed now. I pulled on one of Pete's boxers and shirts. I didn't really care. I just needed two things. Sleep and Pete.

When Pete walked in, I saw he was carrying a tray. A tray of food. It was Pizza and fries. There was also some milkshake on there too.

"Mom said we might be hungry." He said, sheepishly. I looked at him, not wanting to speak. We sat in his bed, eating the pizza and fries. I was actually starving so I ate it all. After we had finished, Pete put the tray down and opened his arms, as if to say "cuddle me". I gladly snuggled into his chest and within minutes, I was fast asleep. I felt Pete kiss my head and fall asleep too.

•°•°•° Le Time Skip •°•°•°

The next morning, we had to get up a little earlier than usual, even thought it was a Saturday. We had to go down to the police station to give statements. I was gently awoken by Pete. He had brought me breakfast in bed. I had a bacon sandwich.

"Thank you Petey Pie." I said, giving him a tired smile. He smiled back. Once I had eaten, I got up and got myself dressed and stuff. I wore jeans, a Nirvana top and one of Pete's jackets, to cover the bruises on my arms. No amount of makeup could cover the scar on my cheek. I shuddered just looking at it. I walked downstairs to see Dale at the door.

"You guys ready ?" She asked. We nodded and headed out.

When we got to the police station, it felt like they were waiting for us. I walked up to the front desk.

"I'm here to see officer Turnton and officer Hillage." I said, quite frightened. The man behind the desk nodded.

"Take a seat. They will be with you shortly." He said, not looking up from the screen. I nodded and took my seat next to Pete. There was no conversation between us until our names were called.

"Good luck." Dale said as we headed into the room. We followed the man who called out our names down the corridor.

"Walk down here and its on the left." He said, smiling. We followed the man's instructions. We were greeted by the two officers.

"Hello Pete. Hello Ava." Officer Turnton said, smiling a little.

°•°•°•° Le Time Skip to after interview °•°•°•°

We walked out to meet Dale. I had red, bloodshot eyes from crying. Dale hugged me. She pulled Pete in too.

"I'm so proud of you both." She said. I could tell she was upset. Who wouldn't be ? We walked out of the police station silently. Nor me or Pete wanted to talk. For the entire journey home, no one spoke a word. When we got into the house, Peter was at the door.

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