~ Chapter 3 ~

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*1 Week Later*


~Pete's POV~

It had been 1 week. 1 week since I found Ava. 1 week since Ava nearly died. It's been 1 week since I have been to school. I have felt alone. Ava is still in a coma. The nurses are going to try and pull her out of the coma, but she might not survive it. I was sat in the spot that I had been for the past week because I couldn't leave her side. I was holding her hand, her cold lifeless hand. I rubbed it gently with my thumb. Damn, I missed her. Her smile that could light up a whole room. A constant dream that I saw every night I was asleep was me and Ava getting married, or just Ava. This had been happening for a while but i had a problem. I think I might be in love with my best friend, a girl that I had known all my life.

The nurse walked in along with my mom. My mom sat beside me and she rubbed my back.

"Now honey, you're going to have to say your goodbyes. You know, just in case." She said, still rubbing my back. I couldn't look at her. Tears were filling my eyes but I kept my focus on Ava.

"I'll leave you alone for a few minutes. I'll be back with the nurses." She said. I still couldn't look at her, even when she walked out of the room. I looked at Ava who seemed so peaceful.

"Hey Ava, it's Pete. They told me you might not wake up and that I might need to say my goodbyes now. If you don't make it, how am I going to live without my best friend? I will miss you everyday for the rest of my life. I love you. I have for a while now and I always will." I said, kissing her forehead, tears spilled out of my eyes. My mom and the nurses walked back in, right on cue.

"Hey its okay." My mom said, reassuringly. I still didn't look at her. The nurses nodded to her and they did what they had to. I couldn't even watch. I buried my face into my mom's chest. That's when I heard. A gasp for breath.

~Ava's POV~

I was floating. Floating in vast whiteness. It felt like I was as light as a feather. I was surrounded in whiteness. Then there was darkness coming towards me but I couldn't get away. I tried to move as fast as I can.

I gasped. I gasped for breath. I couldn't open my eyes. I heard clinking of metal and people talking. It was a muffled sound but I could hear one thing clearly. Sobbing. I didn't know who it was though. Then I heard a female voice.

"Its okay! She's breathing! Look!" They exclaimed. I wanted to move but I was paralysed.

"Oh my god. Ava? Can you hear me?" A male voice asked. I immediately recognized it. It was Pete. "I want her to wake up mom. I really do." He sobbed. I felt so bad because I wanted to wake up and move but I couldn't. After a few hours, I started to come around a bit. I felt someone holding my hand. I tried as hard as I could to squeeze it. It was only lightly, but I heard a gasp from Pete.

"MOM! SHE JUST SQUEEZED MY HAND! SHE JUST REACTED TO MY TOUCH!" He exclaimed. I started to flicker my eyes open a bit. I opened them and all I could see was white. White ceilings, white walls. I turned my head to where I heard everything.

"Hey." I said lightly. He looked and saw me. His face lit up and he engulfed me into a hug.

"Oh my god! I was so worried." He said. He pulled away.

"Where am I?" I asked confused.

"At the hospital." He said, taking my hand in his again.

"What happened to me?" I asked. He sighed.

"I found you in the school bathroom surrounded in blood. Your." He said, on the edge of tears. That's when everything came flooding back to me. The words they used. The beating. "Why did you do it ?" He asked me, sobbing. I turned away because I couldn't face him.

"I couldn't take it anymore. The bullying, the self hate just got to me. It just needed it to stop." I said, crying my eyes out. He started crying too so he hugged me tightly.  "I'm sorry." I whispered into his chest. He wiped his eyes.

"It's okay." He said, wiping my tears with the sleeve of his jacket. I slowly smiled. There was a moment of pause. Then, Pete's mom walked in. She immediately say me awake.

"Oh sweetie!" She said gasping. She hugged me tightly. "I don't want to scare you but the Police want to talk to you." She said lightly.

"W....what ?" I said, slightly worried. Was I in trouble?

"You're not in trouble sweetie, they just want to ask a couple of questions." She reassured me. I turned to Pete.

"Can Pete stay with me?" I asked. She nodded.

"Anything to make you feel more comfortable." She said, walking outside and signaling for the Police.

"My name is Officer Turnton. You're not in trouble we just want to ask a few questions. Is that okay? Like I said, you aren't in trouble." The woman said.

"Okay." I replied simply. Pete squeezed my hand.

"What is your full name?" The other Police officer asked.

"Ava Marie Tellerman." I stated.

"Okay. Have you been diagnosed with any mental illnesses?"
They asked.

"Um, when I was 13, I was diagnosed with general anxiety." I replied.

"Final question. Is there a reason why you did it?" The policewoman asked. I had a lump in my throat. Pete looked at me.

"Its okay." Pete said, smiling to reassure me.

"Well I have been bullied for years and it all got to my head. They said horrible things to me, called me names and physically abused me for 5 years a-and I couldn't take it anymore. It also didn't help at home. My dad just gets drunk and my step mom basically bullies me." I choked out. Pete pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest. The police officers stood up.

"Thank you. Can you tell me these girl's names and what school this is?" They asked.

"New Tier High School. Their names are Yasmin Clarke, Charlotte Ryans and Emily West." I replied., turning my head away from Pete's chest. They nodded. They walked out of the room. A nurse walked in shortly after.

"Hello Ava, my name is Dr Stevens. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm not happy but none the different." I replied.

"I've been talking to your GP and the police and I am here to diagnose you with depression. Your case is general so sometimes you might have manic depression and other times you might just be depressed. Now, I'm putting you on suicide watch because that's what we have to do." She explained. I nodded, understanding everything. She walked out of the room.

"Hey Pete, I'm hungry. You couldn't get me a Maccy's could you?" I asked laughing.

"Well, there is one across the street. I'll be right back." He replied. He left the room and his mom walked in.

~15 minutes later~

Pete waltzed in with a 3 big macs. I sat up because I had a short nap whilst he was gone. I took mine.

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III, you are a life saver!" I exclaimed. Pete and his mom just laughed at me. I just did a cheesy grin. I loved them.

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