~Hide and Seek~

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~Fluff and smol sexual shit~
Anti is board and wants to play a game with dark but dark is to lazy so anti make dark chase him >:3
Anti's POV:

"DAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRK!" I yell from our room, he doesn't even bother go move so he just yells back "WHAT ANTI?!" He sounds 'happy' "COME PLAYY WITH MEH!" I yell back at him he doesn't respond so I walk/run down stairs to find him just laying on the couch watching TV. "Get your lazy arse up! And play with me!" I yell at him. "Make me lil anti~" He smirks, The fuck is he smirking about!? "Daaaaaark please?! I'm hyper and I wanna play hide en seek!" I groaned "well that not my problem anti, you ate like ten sure treats even the paper around 'em" I rolled my eyes and jumped onto of him just staring into his eyes, he just smirked and went to kiss me but I jumped off him. "If ye want me gotta catch me darky~" I snickered and waited for him to come and chase me and that's what he did. "anti~ If i find you, your gonna be my private maid for a day~!" As soon as he said that I bolted out through the back door and ran into the woods, I didn't even bother to look behind me but I herd the leaves crunching behind me. "Ohhhhhh shhhhhhhhiiit! Fucking run anti!" I yell out loud, I herd dark laughing, Hmm I guess I gotta hide.. Oh that tree! Perfect hiding spot! As I climb the tree just before for I see my boyfriend dark stop. "Annnnnti~ where are ya~?" I keep my mouth shut but I sorta laugh.. Fuck why did I do that!? "Oh did I hear a cute laugh? Hmm from..this tree?" Oh shhit he knows well, wait! Tree jumping! I think but he stars at me, our eyes lock together. "Oh there's my baby boy~ come down annti~" he says climbing up. "Ha. no cya darky~" I say jumping to another tree. "Dammit anti~ why'd you leave me~? He said in fake pouty voice. I just jump from another tree. "Darky I'm not leavin' you~! Now try to catch me ya doof!" I just swing from a tree branch till I see dark is gone! "Oh shit where did ya go darky?!" I laugh, and that's when I felts strong arms around me. "Fuck!" I yell. Its dark and I'm his damn maid for the damn day! "Gotcha~" Dark whipped into my ear "damn I thought I had a gonic.." I mutter to myself "you did but I'm faster and can keep my mouth from laughing!" He joked "haha very funny dark, can ye let go of me now please?" I asked nicely. "No, I caught you witch means your my maid anti~" dark said into my ear, his arms got tighter around my waist, Oh hmmmm I'm gonna run again.. "But daddy darky I wanna have fun~" I say in a teasing voice. "Oh does my pet wanna have fun~?" Yes! His grip got loose but not enough.. Damn I gotta keep going.."yes daddy I'm a bad boy punish me~" I say in taunting voice. "I'll punish you alright.." He went to go for my neck till I got out of his grasp "Sowry darky, I'm not gonna give up!" I yell jumping down running
As fast as hell, I hear dark yell "Dammit anti! When I get you you're not gonna like it!" Oh fuck... He got his wing out, I better run like sonic if I'm gonna live to see tomorrow.. "Aww dark ye mad at lil o'l anti?!" I start laughing till I make it to the back door, I open it and I immediately ran upstairs and hide in the closet, then I herd dark come in yelling softly "annti~ c'mon out anti~! I stayed silent only to drift off into sleep
Dark's Pov: as soon as I got into the house I went upstairs to hunt for anti, I entered our bedroom and I herd soft mumbles from our closet so I go and cheek inside of it, bam my boyfriend sleeping insisted out our closet, I carry him out a lay him on the bed and kiss him on his forehead and I drift off to sleep cuddling...... My new maid >:3

A/N: So.... How'd I do? Heh sorry if you considered this a long page but its my first one I've ever done and there's prob alot of typos in here, oh well

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