~Ocean And Night lights~

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Anti loves stars, he always goes out when twilight hits, actually antis outside on the beach watching the stars hang over the beautiful ocean. Anti also waits till his boyfriend dark comes home from his dumb job but anti honestly loves to be alone not saying he hates to be with dark he loves it but sometimes you need to be alone for abit.

Waves wash over his feet, water shining from the moon light, its so beautiful that it almost seems like a dream but wasn't it was just where they lived at. Anti was listing to a song named 'Buy The Stars' by Marina And The Diamonds, the song spoke to anti almost as if she was talking to just him, though anti was never lonely but it just felt as if he was a star, anti looked up at the beautiful night sky to see a pink and blue star, he remembered dark showed him it. Anti then closed his eyes a sang a small bit of the song, "Because you'll never see, that the stars are free." Anti took a breath and sang more. "Oh we don't own our heavens now, we only own our hell." Another breath. "And if you don't know that by now, then you don't know me that well. All my life I've been so lonely, all the names of being holly.." Anti stopped and realized dark was next to him holing his hand, it was cute to see anti blush as dark listed to his boyfriend sing. "Hey dark? Didn't you hear me sing?" Anti asked dark closing his eyes again, anti felt the waves brush their hands down. Dark simply hummed yes and rubbed antis thumbs with his own.

"Dark, can you tell me something?" Anti said with His eyes still closed, dark kept rubbing his hand. "Sure, what would you like to ask me?" Dark said opening his eyes at the same time as anti, anti just smiled and looked at dark who was looking at the nights called stars. "Would you name me after a star?" Anti said having the ocean water wash over his right hand. "Anti, I wouldn't because I don't own you like that, I own you as my beautiful baby boy, does that answer you're question?" Dark snickered but in a sweet way. "Yes, it does. Thanks you dark.." Anti said snuggling up to his boyfriend, they cuddled for what seemed like agas till dark noticed anti was sleeping, he smiled at the sight of his boyfriend. Dark carried anti back into their house till anti said something in his sleep, "good...night to the ocean and the night lights.." Dark smile never left his face as he carried him to their bedroom.

Dark laid anti down and got under the covers with him and drifted off to sleep with his little star named anti..

(AhHhH! I'm addicted to write star one shorts! Oh well, anyway two one shorts in one night! Yey anyway seems like my old outro but...... Nope! Goodnight/GoodDay to everyone! Cya in the next chapter! Buh~Bye~!)


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