~Halloween Murders pt2~

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All anti POV
∆~Murder warning~∆

Anti always got bullied because he was gay, today he had enough and ended up killing his one bullies.. Then someone told him something that even know he doesn't even know he fell for...

I was running from two bullies named Ender and Virus, he spotted a haunted maze and ran as fast as he could, when he arrived into the the maze he saw two guys the taller and seems to be strongest had a red glow and the smaller one had a blue glow.

I took a left then a right and so on till I ended up to a dead end and worse thing was virus followed me. I backed up as I saw virus walk towards me, he punched me a few times till I fell to the ground, I slightly move my hand into my pocket only to pull a knife out and stabbed his foot.

"Ahhg! Anti your gonna be killed from that!!" He yelled complete out of rage, he picked me up by my hoodie and was about to punch my throat till I cut his neck clean.. He dropped to the ground.
At first I didn't believe it..

"H-h-hey..w-wake..u-up v-v-virus....no...no no no NO I..I didn't m-mean t-to..."

I cried and cried till I herd a voice..could it be that one guy from be for..?

"Don't cry whatever your name is, I'm a murder to.." And with that he left I sort of yelled "i-im a-anti"

|few months later|

I stared a myself in the mirror, smiling a little as a little flashback came to me, it was after. Gosh, I've grown a little since then. Whatever, currently, I wore black tight jeans, my black backpack, a one shoulder T-shirt, and a black snap-back with a bloody word on it saying: rip on it.

I walk out, looking at the stairs. I stepped there after running from my murder, I smile a little them felt tears begin to stream down my face. I glance around to see others looking at me, which made me feel a off so I just ran to my safe zone, where nobody could judge me.

I arrived to my my 'hidden spot', I climbed the tree and sat there, I pulled out a pencil and my drawing pad a drew for a while, I finished my drawing and to me it looks okay I guess..

I don't really care on how good it looks to me, I mean I love drawing in all but I honesty hate all my drawings.

"I hate all my drawings I've made.." I mumble loud enough for myself to here but all a sudden I head that voice again..

"Aw, why is that antisepticeye?"

A deep voice said my full name!? First how does this stranger... Well, I guess Friend..know my full name!? We've hung out a few times, okay, alot but I swear I've never told him my full name..

"Wah- h-how d-do you k-know my full n-name, dark?" I

I asked him, he just climbed up to where I was till I saw his face I blushed a bit but it wasn't noticeable. He looked at my drawing and was surprised he then looked at me and just smiled.

"Well anti, you got talent and I kinda looked through your past..but call me dark, don't ask questions right now.."

"You...you creep-"

He cut me off by speaking in a soft tone to his voice almost sounding as if we knew eachother for years.

"No. Don't speak, just relax and continue drawing love. I actually came by to check on you, I saw you run off with tears so I followed you. If you're not okay, always call me okay, clover?"

He spoke in such slow but fast manner, jeez I think I am in love with dark. He suddenly grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes, I blushed even more now noticeable. He gave a smirk and jumped down from my tree/hiding spot.

"Anti you gotta crush on me or something? Heh, I don't mind if you do because I have on ya to anyway I gotta go I already put my number In your phone so peace."

I blushed red as the actual color red. I walked home in the day because day is night and night is day in hell, and of course it rained but the blood moon looked so pretty when it rains.

I make it home to find a note on my dining table, it said:

Hey anti its dark just asking I know you don't even know me but wanna go out? Its cool if you say no heh ~ darkiplier


I blushed and right away text him
🎃Dark🔪: messages 0:

Dark! Yes I would love too!

🎃Dark🔪: that was fast and okay great, cya a school...babe."

O-ok dark..

🎃Dark🔪 left The chat---------------

I dropped on my floor acting dead, even know I'm emo and shit I do like to be happy a lot sometimes heh I guess dark brings out my happens.

:To be continued:

(A/N omfg ppl are actually reading my stuff heh well thank you to the people who read my stuff anyway should I continue in a new book? Please let me know so I don't or make something​ you guys don't want. Solo cya in the next chapter! Buh~bye~!)

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